In Press and News!

  1. Assembly Spoken Here, Express Computers, December 11, 1995. (PDF version)
  2. Paradisc - Making The `most Of Both Worlds', The Hindu's Business Line, Indian National News Paper, January 9, 1997.
  3. Clusters Serve up a Challenge, The Age Newspaper, Aug. 31, 1999, Melbourne, Australia.
  4. Grid, P2P and Distributed Computing, Network Magazine, Feb. 2001. (PDF Version)
  5. New (Computer)Power to Solve World's Problems, Monash News, Volume 4, Number 3, April 2001, Australia.
  6. My Romance with C-DAC, C-DAC Connect: The House Magazine of C-DAC, 2001.
  7. Economics Driven P2P/GRID-Based Service Oriented Computing, HPCwire: The Electronic News Magazine for High Performance Computing, Vol. 10, No. 30, July 27, 2001, USA.
  8. Tools automate computer sharing, Technology Research News (TRN), September 12, 2001, USA. (PDF version)
  9. Technology Research News Mag. interview on Economics of P2P/Grid computing
  10. Harnessing a global grid, The Age News: From the World of Information Technology, October 9, 2001, Australia.
  11. Technology Research News Mag. interview on the Virtual Laboratory project
  12. GridSim Releases Java-based Grid Computing Toolkit, The Grid Computing Planet News, January 4, 2002, USA.
  13. Toolset teams computers to design drugs, Technology Research News (TRN), January 16, 2002. (PDF version)
  14. Distributed Computing Newsgroup Approved, Internet.Com News, March 1, 2002, USA.
  15. Peer (to Peer) Pressure: It's a Good Thing , Software Development Magazine, USA, April 2002.
  16. KaZaA users brace for hijack, The Age and the Sydney Morning Herald Newspapers, April 30, 2002. ( local copy)
  17. Five Technologies to Watch, Bulletin EdDesk Article, NineMSN Australia, May 15, 2002.
  18. Expatriate Indian develops computing grid , Journalist: Frederick Noronha, The Hindustan Times, May 31, 2002, India.
  19. Buyya Takes University Of Melbourne Post, The Grid Computing Planet, June 14, 2002, USA.
  20. Gaps in the Grid, Dr. Dobb's Journal, June 24, 2002, USA.
  21. Welcome to the Mega-Grid, Power and Gas Marketing Magazine, May/June 2002, USA.
  22. The Reality of Grid Computing, Nikkei Electronics, Volume 827, July 29, 2002, Japan.
  23. Australian grid computing: Creating science fact, Journalist: Jeanne-Vida Douglas, ZDNet Australia, Aug. 9, 2002, Sydney, Australia.
  24. GridBus merges Grid technology with business requirements, PRIMEUR: The monthly news service for the European HPCN Community, August 12, 2002, Europe.
  25. The Gridbus Project: Service-Oriented Grid Computing & Business, Grid Today, Vol. 1 No. 10, August 19, 2002, San Diego, California, USA.
  26. University of Melbourne Expands Grid Work, The Grid Computing Planet News, August 20, 2002, INT Media, USA.
  27. Computational and Electrical Grids Compared, The Grid Computing Planet News, August 30, 2002, INT Media, USA.
  28. JXTA-based P2P Toolkit Enables Utility Computing, The Grid Computing Planet News, September 18, 2002, INT Media, USA.
  29. Gridbus Project Releases Grid Accounting Services Architecture, The Grid Computing Planet News, October 3, 2002, INT Media, USA.
  30. Australian scientists claim grid computing win, ZDNet Australia, October 8, 2002, Sydney, Australia.
  31. Distributed computing: Power grid, Technology & Business magazine, October 28, 2002, ZDNet, Australia. (Printed Version in PDF)
  32. Distributed Computing: Power Grid, ACM TechNews, Volume 4, Issue 420: Wednesday, November 6, 2002, USA.
  33. The Compute Power Market Project, The University Spotlight, Sun Jxta Project, Nov 2002, California, USA.
  34. Our drive for the top just doesn't compute, The Age, Australia, November 25, 2002.
  35. Australian researchers share top spot in US competition, The Age, Australia, November 26 2002.
  36. Gridbus Project Releases GridSim 2.0, The Grid Computing Planet News, December 3, 2002, USA.
  37. Get a Grip on Grids: Can Distributed Computing Power Collaboration and Content Management?, EContent Magazine, Jan 1, 2003, USA.
  38. Web-Services based Grid Market Directory-Software Release, Grid Today, VOL. 2 NO. 1, San Diego, California, January 6, 2003.
  39. Gridbus Project Announces Grid Market Directory, The Grid Computing Planet News, January 7, 2003, USA.
  40. Global Grids Analyze On Demand Brain Activity, Grid Today,Vol. 2, No. 10, March 10, 2003, San Diego, USA.
  41. Guided Google: A Search Engine Built From Grid Labs, Grid Today, Vol. 2, No. 11, March 17, 2003, San Diego, USA.
  42. Gridbus: A toolkit for service-oriented grid computing, The IEEE Task Force on Cluster Computing Newsletter, Vol.4, No.2, March/April 2003, USA.
  43. Grid Computing Takes Off in the Enterprise, Journalist: Mike Ellsworth, Special Report on Shaping the Services-Oriented Enterprise, Enterprise Architect Magazine, Fawcette Technical Publications, May 2003. Local copy: Interview and Article
  44. Aust data grids to power international research, ZDNet Australia, June 5, 2003, Sydney.
  45. Grid computing prototype demonstrated in Melbourne, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, June 5, 2003, Melbourne/Sydney, Australia.
  46. Computing grid spreads number-crunching across states,, June 26, 2003, USA.
  47. Gridbus Project Releases GridSim 2.1, The Task Force on Cluster Computing Newsletter, Vol.5, No.1, July 2003, USA.
  48. A question of utility, ZDNet Australia, July 24, 2003.
  49. GridScape Creates Dynamic Grid Testbed Web Portals, GridToday, Vol 2. No 40, San Diego, USA.
  50. Utility-Computing: Eine Frage des Nutzens, ZDNet, Germany, October 6, 2003.
  51. Report of the Workshop "Grid Economy and Business Models", IST 2003 Conference, 2-4 October, 2003, Milan, Italy.
  52. Singapore Computer Systems signs Memorandum of Understanding with the University of Melbourne for the Collaboration, Research and Development in Grid Computing, Press Release, Nov. 17, 2015.
  53. Singapore Computer Systems, University Of Melbourne Partner on Grid Research, Grid Computing Planet News, November 25, 2003, USA.
  54. HP Labs joins global grid computing challenge, November 2003, HP Press news, USA.
  55. SCS, University Of Melbourne To Collaborate On Grid Research, GridToday, Vol. 2, No. 48, December 1, 2003, San Diego, USA.
  56. Tool eases Grid monitoring, Technology Research News, Dec.31,03 to Jan. 7, 2004, USA.
  57. Gridscape Tool eases Grid monitoring, MIT Technology Review Magazine, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), January 8, 2004, USA.
  58. NSF, Australia release new grid software, Government Computer News, Post-Newsweek Media, Inc., Feb. 1, 2004, USA.
  59. The Use of Alchemi Grid Framework in Predicting Catchment Behaviour, CatchWorld - Newsletter of the CRC for Catchment Hydrology, 3-4pp, No. 128, June 2004.
  60. Gridbus Project to Release GridSim Toolkit 3.0, GridToday, Vol 3, No 25, June 21, 2004, San Diego, USA.
  61. Storage expert is first off the grid, The Age, June 29, 2004, Australia.
  62. StorageTek Explores Grid Computing, The Grid Computing Planet, Jupitermedia Corporation, June 29, 2004, USA.
  63. Gridbus Head Gets StorageTek Grid Fellowship, Vol. 3, No. 27, GridToday, July 5, 2004, San Diego, USA.
  64. eBusiness Helps Drive StorageTek Grid Move, Vol. 3, No. 28, GridToday, July 12, 2004, San Diego, USA.
  65. Gridbus Releases Alchemi [.NET Enterprise Grid Framework] v0.8.0, GridToday, AUGUST 19, 2004, San Diego, USA.
  66. Gridbus Toolkit To Support Utility Computing On Global Grids, GridToday, November 12, 2004, San Diego, USA.
  67. Excel as interface to the universe, Network World Fusion, Nov. 11, 2004.
  68. Thinking big, The Age, Dec. 7, 2004, Melbourne, Australia. (PDF)
  69. 12th International Conference of Advanced Computing & Communication --- Theme: Grid Computing by Ankur Patel, Tuesday, December 21, 2004. (HTML)
  70. C-DAC workshop in Hyderabad, The Hindu - Business Line, Jan 03, 2005, Hyderabad, India.
  71. Grid computing offers much for common man, The Hindu - Business Line, Jan 04, 2005, Chennai, India.
  72. Buyya's Grid Corner, Grid Today, San Diego, USA, Vol. 4, No. 4, Jan 2005.
  73. Grand ambitions, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, Feb 22, 2005.
  74. Indian IT is ready for the global challenge", Indus Age Interview of Dr. Buyya, Sydney, Australia, April 2005.
  75. Virtual world aims to provide access to remove resources, UniNews, Vol. 14, No. 5, 4 April - 18 April, 2005, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
  76. Indian-Australian researcher creating a virtual world, Outlook Magazine, India, April 28, 2005.
  77. University course is ahead of the curve, The Age (Melbourne) and Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, May 3, 2005.
  78. Melbourne Offers Advanced Degree in Distributed, Grid Computing, Grid Today, Vol. 4, No. 22, June 6, 2005.
  79. Computer grid locks down viruses, The Age (Melbourne) and Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, June 7, 2005.
  80. First postgrad degree in distributed computing, UniNews Vol. 14, No. 10, University of Melbourne, 13 - 27 June 2005.
  81. World's first degree in distributed computing launched, India Outlook Magazine, June 4th week?, 2005.
  82. Microsoft to sponsor new Masters at the University of Melbourne, Media Release, The University of Melbourne, Friday 5 August 2005.
  83. Awards boost super-grid research, The Age, Australia, August 30, 2005. (print)
  84. Satyam pact with Melbourne varsity for grid computing, The Hindu Business Line, India, August 31, 2005.(PDF, JPG)
  85. U of Melbourne Receives e-Research Boost, Partners w/ Satyam, Grid Today, Vol. 4, No. 36, September 12, 2005.
  86. Int'l Workshop to Anchor Grid Activities at SC'05, Grid Today, Vol. 4, No. 41, Oct. 15, 2005, San Diego, USA.
  87. Gridbus Project Releases Grid Service Broker v2.4, Grid Today, November 21, 2005, San Diego, USA.
  88. Alchemi 1.0 .NET-Based Enterprise Grid Framework Released, Grid Today, Jan. 9, 2006, San Diego, USA.
  89. e-science 2005 Showcases Worldwide Progress, Grid Today, Jan. 16, 2006, San Diego, USA.
  90. Grid Brokers and Metaschedulers: Market Overview, Gridwise Tech, Feb. 2006, Kraków, Poland.
  91. Making the pace in a hot new year, The Age, Melborune and Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, Jan 31, 2006. (HTML)
  92. It's Study Time in Australia, Hindustan Times, April 12, 2006, Delhi, India.
  93. GRIDS Lab Releases Gridscape II, Grid Today, May 25, 2006, San Diego, USA.
  94. HCL, GRIDS Lab Collaborate, Grid Today, August 7, 2006, San Diego, USA. (original press release).
  95. Teams on the Grid, The Age and Sydney Morning Herald, Australia, August 8, 2006.
  96. The Gridbus Project to Release Grid Service Broker (v.3.0) Software, TCSC Newsletter Volume 8, No.2, 2006.
  97. Mobile computing key to meeting social care demands, The Hindu, India, Tuesday, Dec 19, 2006.
  98. Buyya's Opening Remarks at Obcom 2006: International Conference on Mobile, Ubiquitour, and Pervasive Computing, VIT News, Vol. 7., No. 1, Jan. 2007.
  99. e-Research initiative extolled: workshop report, ARC Discovery Newsletter, Summer 2006-07 Issue, Australian Research Council, Canberra, Australia.
  100. Top 20 most cited articles in Software Engineering, Journal of Information and Software Technology, Elseview Science, The Netherlands.
  101. Gridbus Project Releases Grid Service Broker v.3.1, Vol. 6, No. 23, GridToday, San Diego, USA, June 11, 2007.
  102. The GridSims: Real tools for simulated parallel and distributed computing, International Science Grid This Week, Oct 2007.
  103. Microsoft Takes An Interest In Gridbus, Grid Computing Planet, Jupitermedia Corporation, USA, Nov. 20, 2007.
  104. G-Sat Satellite Services for Rural Villages, Prajavani, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Dec. 11, 2007.
  105. e-Science 2007 Concludes, C-DAC and news, Bangalore, India, Dec. 14, 2007.
  106. Views from the IEEE e-Science and Grid Computing Conference, Vol. 6, No. 52, Grid Today, San Diego, USA, Jan. 14, 2008.
  107. Facilitates Collaboration, Learning and the Exchange of Ideas, Platform Corporation, Toronto, Canada, June 17, 2008.
  108. Platform Computing Launches Networking Site for HPC Community, HPCwire, San Diego, USA, June 17, 2008.
  109. Gridbus Goes Commercial, Grid Computing Planet, Jupitermedia Corporation, Nov. 19, 2008.
  110. Revolutionary high speed ‘Cloud’ computing software announced by new University of Melbourne start-up, Media Release, The University of Melbourne, Australia, November 27, 2008.
  111. Manjrasoft aims to “simplify .NET clouds and enterprise grids”, Melbourne Venture Innovation Newsletter, Melbourne, Australia, Summer 2008.
  112. Solving the Problem of Cloud Interoperability, Cloud Computing Journal, Sys-Con Media, New Jersey, USA, Jan. 6, 2009.
  113. ICCIT 2008: Redefining ICT Future in Bangladesh, The Daily Star, Volume 2, Issue 101, Bangladesh, January 11, 2009.
  114. Desktop-Based Service-Oriented Architecture for Grid Computing, Reporter: Archit Subramanian, Frost & Sullivan, Jan. 30, 2009.
  115. Cloud computing ascends the mainstream, The Age, Melbourne, Australia, Feb 19, 2009.
  116. Australian researcher finds silver lining in the cloud, IT News: Breaking IT News for Australian Business, Haymarket Media, Sydney, Australia, April 15, 2009. (local copy)
  117. More money for research is cloud's silver lining, IT News: Breaking IT News for Australian Business, Haymarket Media, Sydney, Australia, April 16, 2009. (local copy).
  118. Manjrasoft's forecast: Cloudy but fine, ZDNet Australia, April 29, 2009.
  119. Cloud computing - the perfect storm?, CRN (Connecting the Australian Channel), Haymarket Media, Sydney, Australia, June 19, 2009.
  120. Cloud Computing Workshop, Prajavani Kannada Newspaper, Bangalore, India, Dec. 31, 2009.
  121. Cost-effective cloud computing is reliable, The Hindu, India, Dec. 31, 2009.
  122. Cloudbus: A tool for utility-oriented cloud computing, International Science Grid This Week, Issue 160: iSGTW 03 February 2010.
  123. Clearing hurdles with cloud computing, The Economic Times, India, Feb 9, 2010.
  124. Australian Cloud Computing Technology Finalist for Google Eureka Prize, HPC In The Cloud, Aug 17, 2010, USA.
  125. Cloud software innovator nominated for Eureka Prize, Nett Magazine, Aug 18, 2010.
  126. Cloud computing IBM internship in India, Melbourne Voice, Volume 6 Number 8 August 9 - September 12 2010. (local copy).
  127. Manjrasoft to launch platform-as-a-service, iTnews for Austraian Business, Hay Market Media, Sydney, Aug . 30, 2010. (local copy).
  128. Into the Cloud, Salmat Innovations Magazine, Issue 3, Spring 2010, Melbourne, Australia.
  129. Uni tries wings with cloud start-up, ZDNet Australia, Oct. 22, 2010.
  130. 24th CSI Karnataka students convention begins, Deccan Herald, Mysore, India, Oct. 23, 2010. (local copy).
  131. Let new technology reach all villages, Andolana Kannada Newspaper, Mysore, India, Oct. 23, 2010.
  132. Benefits of IT should reach common people, Vijaya Karnataka, Mysore, India, Oct. 23, 2010.
  133. Cloud computing set to change lives, Deccan Herald, Mysore, India, Oct. 24, 2010. (local copy).
  134. Microsoft BizSpark Startup of the Day - Manjrasoft, Microsoft Corporation, USA, Jan 17, 2011. (local copy).
  135. CLOUDS Lab Collaboration with an UK University, The University of Westminster, UK, Jan 27, 2011.
  136. Oman has a well planned ICT strategy, Times of Oman, Muscat, Oman, March 23, 2011.
  137. University researchers on cloud nine after international win, Melbourne University Staff / Student E-news, June 22, 2011. (Local Copy)
  138. University of Melbourne CLOUDS Lab, AARNews, Issue 21, AARNet Pty Ltd, Aug 12, 2011. (Local Copy)
  139. Focus on the consumer was secret to Jobs's success, The Age/National News, Melbourne, Australia, Oct. 7, 2011. (Local Copy)
  140. Cloud computing technology wins Telstra Innovation Challenge, The Melbourne Engineer, Nov. 30, 2011. (Local Copy)
  141. Cloud Computing Is In, Indian Express, Hyderabad, India, Dec. 22, 2011.
  142. 'Impart Cloud Computing Skills among Engineers', The Hindu, India, January 3, 2012.
  143. Melbourne professor visits alma mater in Bidar, The Hindu, India, January 5, 2012.
  144. NAB, BMW show off cloud standards progress, ZDNet, Australia, March 2, 2012.
  145. NAB in global cloud security trial, The Australian, March 2, 2012.
  146. Open sky for cloud as the Open Data Center Alliance makes progress in Melbourne, Voice and Data, Westwick-Farrow Media, Australia, March 27, 2012.
  147. Global cloud computing dean meet the Jinling city, then the world situation, CNET News, China, July 18, 2012.
  148. Cloud Computing has Many Applications, Sakshi Telugu Newspaper, Hyderabad, India, Dec. 12, 2012.
  149. Rajkumar Buyya Named Editor in Chief of New IEEE Computer Society Cloud Computing Journal, IEEE Press Release, Dec. 28, 2012. (Local Copy)
  150. NetApp taps Oz cloud lab for federation exploration, The Register, UK, April 26, 2013. (Local Copy)
  151. World Expert To Give Glimpse Of Computing's Future, University of Derby, UK, May 15, 2013. (Local Copy)
  152. IEEE Intercloud Testbed Project Announces Founding Members, Business Wire, USA, Oct. 8, 2013.
  153. Sixth ACM computing convention gets under way at VIT, The Hindu, Aug. 23, 2013.
  154. Workshop on Cloud Computing Held, The Indian Express, Oct 21, 2013.
  155. Future of Cloud Computing, City Bhaskar Hindi Newspaper, Bhopal, India, April 12, 2014.
  156. Lecture on Cloud Computing at MNIT, Hindustan Times, Bhopal, India, April 12, 2014.
  157. Seminar on Market-Oriented Cloud Computing, DNA India, Indore, Bhopal, April 15, 2014.
  158. Melbourne ranked number one for cloud computing research impact, Melbourne University Staff / Student E-news, July 2014. (Local Copy)
  159. A welcome to Raj Buyya as the new co-editor, Software: Practice and Experience, Wiley, USA, Aug 2014.
  160. IT leaders deliberate on Cloud Security and Big Data, Amity University, India, Sept 2014.
  161. Uninterrupted power supply must for smart cities, Sakal Times, Pune, India, Dec. 11, 2014.
  162. Technology Advances for Nation Building, Janprawass, Pune, India, Dec. 12, 2014.
  163. Easily accessible technologies necessary for advances, Aaj Ka Aanand, Pune, India, Dec. 12, 2014.
  164. Adapt strategy to shif in warefare methods, Sakal Times, Pune, India, Dec. 13, 2014.
  165. Morning Light/Belagu program on Cloud computing and Spirituality, Doordarshan Chandana: Indian National TV Channel, Bangalore, India, Dec. 23, 2014.
  166. Bidar-born professor's book on cloud computing a hit in China, The Hindu, India, May 18, 2015. (local copy or paper clip)
  167. Bidar professor on cloud nine, The Hindu, India, May 22, 2015. (local copy)
  168. A blueprint for greener cloud computing, The University of Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2015.
  169. Cloud computing is the next big thing, The Hindu, India, Dec. 20, 2015. (local copy)
  170. Iran can Implement Filtering in Cloud-based Content Delivery Networks, Tasnim News Agency, Dec. 27, 2015. (local copy)
  171. Banks, websites down as wild weather knocks out Amazon Web Services, Financial Review, Australia, June 6, 2016. (remote link)
  172. Rajkumar Buyya awarded for contribution to cloud computing, Melbourne University Staff / Student E-news, Australia, June 16, 2016. (local copy)
  173. Top 5 Cloud Application Companies - 2016, Silicon India, Nov. 2016.
  174. Having World-first Cloud Application Platform, Insights Success Media, India and USA, Nov 2016.
  175. Melbounre University Celebrating our 800th PhD completion for 2016, The Melbourne Engineer, Dec. 1, 2016 (local copy)
  176. Cloud Computing is the next big revolution in IT, News Express of India / Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, India, Dec. 30, 2016. (local copy)
  177. 'Fog' computing might be the answer for IoT, but it won't be easy, ARCHITECHT, USA, Jan 23, 2017. (local copy)
  178. Green energy & Climatic sciences are future of world, The Indian Express, March 19, 2017.
  179. Intl. Symposium on Cloud Computing and Data Analytics held, Star of Mysore, March 26, 2017.
  180. New Frontiers in Cloud Computing for Big Data and Internet-of-Things Applications, The University of Hyderabad (UoH) Herald, March 17, 2017. (local copy)
  181. Cloud and Internet of Things (IoT)-based Agricultural Applications, Nai Dunia Hindi Newspaper, Gwalior, India, November 4, 2017.
  182. Elsevier recognizes achievement of Australia and New Zealand¿s scientists at Scopus Researcher Awards 2017, Elsevier, Sydney, Australia, November 10, 2017. (local copy)
  183. Scopus award winners for Australia and New Zealand announced, New Scientist, Sydney, Australia, November 17, 2017. (local copy) and (Video)
  184. An Interview for Uthaan Magazine, Atal Bihari Vajpayee Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management (IIITM), Gwalior, December 6, 2017.
  185. Making Effective Use of Modern Technologies, Vijaya Karnataka, Bangalore, India, January 6, 2019.
  186. Australia's researchers are top of the world, The Australian, September 25, 2019.
  187. The 11 Most Essential Books for Data Center Directors, Solutions Review, September 16, 2020.
  188. Forty lifetime achievers have been named the superstars of Australian research, The Australian, November 10, 2021.
  189. Australian researchers who top the world in their fields, The Australian, November 10, 2021.
  190. Cloud computing pioneer Professor Rajkumar Buyya receives research impact award, The University of Melbourne, Nov. 22, 2021.
  191. Dr Shashikant Ilager awarded Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers thesis award, The University of Melbourne, Nov. 22, 2021.
  192. Udupi: MIT's dept of Computer Science & Engineering inaugurates 5-day FDP, Daijiworld, December 7, 2021.
  193. FDP on blockchain technology inaugurated, Deccan Herald, December 8, 2021.
  194. A university project harnesses Arm and Raspberry Pi to channel the Internet of Things data tsunami, Oracle, USA, January 15, 2022.(local copy)
  195. How Melbourne University combines clouds to compute, The Australian Financial Review, Feb 15, 2022.(local copy)
  196. Renewables uptake: Bitcoin the problem or solution?, Forkast, Melbourne, Australia, March 17, 2022. (local copy)
  197. Professor Buyya ranked 8th in the world and first in Australia among Top Scientists for 2022, Engineering and IT eBulletin, The University of Melbourne, Australia, March 21, 2022.
  198. University of Melbourne deploys Arm-based, distributed container framework for fog computing on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure?, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Blog, USA, May 18, 2022. (local copy)
  199. Prof Rajkumar Buyya elected Foreign Member of Academia Europaea, Engineering and IT eBulletin, The University of Melbourne, Australia, July 4, 2022.
  200. CLOUDS Lab wins 2022 Oracle Excellence Award, Engineering and IT eBulletin, The University of Melbourne, Australia, October 24, 2022.
  201. Four FEIT researchers and five FEIT research areas named nation¿s leaders by ¿The Australian¿, Engineering and IT, The University of Melbourne, Australia, November 15, 2022.
  202. Dr. Goudarzi PhD Thesis receives two "IEEE Outstanding Ph.D. Dissertation Awards" , Engineering and IT, The University of Melbourne, Australia, November 2022.
  203. Australia's tech cloud keeps expanding, Australian Associated Press, Paddington, Australia, Jan 29, 2023. (local copy)
  204. Cloud and Data Science ImpactCloud and Data Science Impact, Sandesh news paper, Ahmedabad, Gujrat, India, April 29, 2023.
  205. Internet of Things is Revolutionary Achievement of 21st Century, Prajamana news paper, Tumkur, India, May 7, 2023.
  206. International Conference in IoT in Sridevi Engineering College, Vishwavani news paper, Tumkur, India, May 7, 2023.
  207. IoT Revolution, Sandesh news paper, Tumkur, India, May 7, 2023.
  208. Internet technology, AI, and Data Science meet, Sridevi AntaRanga paper, Tumkur, India, June 2023.
  209. Future engineer in Australia, Cybernews, Europe, 16 October 2023. (local copy)
  210. 'The Australian' names four FEIT researchers and two FEIT research fields as the nation's leaders, Engineering and IT, The University of Melbourne, Australia, November 10, 2023.
  211. Trailblazing the quantum cloud, Cybernews, Europe, 13 December 2023. (local copy)
  212. 2023 IEEE TCSC Ph.D. Dissertation Award for Dr. Samodha Pallewatta, Engineering and IT, The University of Melbourne, Australia, November 17, 2023.
  213. There is ample opportunities for research, Deccan Herald, Bangalore, India, January 21, 2024.
  214. Increased Employeement with new IT Companies, Kannada Prabha, Bidar, India, January 21, 2024.
  215. There is No Dearth of Talent and Research Opportunities, Kranthi, Bidar, India, January 21, 2024.
  216. Scientific Research Helps in Progress of Nation, Vijaya Vani, Bidar, India, January 21, 2024.
  217. Manjrasoft: Pioneering the Future of Cloud Computing, Business Connect Magazine, Delhi, India, September 2024.
  218. AI to Play a Key Role in Discovering Health Condition, Udaya Kala, Bengaluru, India, December 25, 2024.
The Quantum Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (qCLOUDS) Laboratory
School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne, Australia