The Team and Collaborators
- Professor Dr. Rajkumar Buyya
Research/Academic Staff:
- Dr. Maria Rodriguez
- Dr. Muhammed Tawfiqul Islam
- Dr. Mohammad Goudarzi
PhD Students
- Mr. Jie Zhao, July 2020-
- Mr. Ming Chen, Dec. 2020-
- Mr. Tharindu Bandara, May 2021-
- Mr. Siddharth Agarwal, Jan. 2020-June 2021 (Masters), Sept. 2021-
- Mr. Hoa Nguyen, Oct. 2021-
- Mr. Zhiyu Wang, Jan 2022-
- Ms. Duneesha Fernando, April 2022-
- Ms. Thakshila Imiya Mohottige, November 2022.
- Ms. Niloofar Gholipour, ETS/University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada, 2023-
- Mr. Qifan Deng, June 2023
- Mr. TianYu Qi, June 2023
- Mr. Hootan Zhian, March 2024
- Mr. Murtaza Rangwala, June 2024
- Mr. Yifan Sun, Jan 2025
- Mr. Prabhjot Singh, Jan 2025
- Mr. Haoyu Bai, Feb. 2025
- Mr. Abhishek Sawaika, March 2025
- Mr. Avishka Sandeepa, March 2025
Master by Coursework Students (Minor Thesis/Project)
- Masters and Honours students taking our Grid course!
- Students of our new Master of Engineering in Distributed Computing (MEDC)
Industry Partners
- Dr. Charles Milligan, StorageTek, USA, 2004-2005.
- Mr. Lawrence Liew, Singapore Computer Systems (SCS), 2004-2005.
- Dr. Wolfgang Gentzsch, Sun Microsystems, USA (2002-April.2004)
- Mr. Benjamin Khoo, IBM Global Services, Singapore.
- Microsoft Corporation, 2005-2011.
- Samsung, 2014-2018.
- Infosys, 2014-2018.
- CA (Computer Associates), 2010-2018.
- Huawei, 2017-2018.
- Lockheed Martin Australia, 2020.
- Facebook/Meta Inc., USA, 2022-2023.
- Dr. Srikumar Venugopal, UNSW, Sydney, Australia.
- Dr. Kim Branson, CSIRO, Melbourne (Molecular Docking and BioGrid since 2001).
- Dr. Fazilah Haron, Universiti Sains Malaysia (CPM Project since 2001).
- Dr. Chan Huah Yong, Universiti Sains Malaysia (CPM Project since 2001).
- Dr. Susumu Date, Osaka University, Japan (Brain Activity Analysis on Grid since 2002).
- Prof. Martin Sevior, School of Physics, University of Melbourne (High Energy Physics and Grid, 2002-2006).
- Dr. Andrew Wendelborn, University of Adelaide (Australian Grid activities, 2002-2009).
- Dr. Paul Coddington, University of Adelaide (Australian Grid activities since 2002-2009).
- Baden Hughes, Language Technology Research Group, CSSE, University of Melbourne (Natural Language Processing on Grid since 2003).
- Dr. David Barnes, School of Physics, University of Melbourne (Astronomy and Grid since 2003).
- A/Prof. Chen-Khong Tham, National University of Singapore (involved in GridSim, QoS, Workflows, Sensor Grids since June 2004).
- Dr. Brian Smith, Walter & Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research, Melbourne (BioGrid since 2004).
- Dr. Torsten Eymann, University of Bayreuth, Germany (cross fertilisation between Gridbus and the EU CatNets Project since 2004!)
- Prof. Thamarai Selvi, Anna University, Chennai, India.
- Prof. Peter Harris, Faculty of Medicine, The University of Melbourne (KidneyGrid since 2006).
- Prof. Satish Narayana Srirama, University of Tartu, Estonia.
- Prof. Adam Wierman, California Institute of Technology (CalTech), USA.
- Prof. Soumya Ghosh, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India
- Prof. Marcos Assunção, Ecole de technologie superieure (ETS)/University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada.
Research Visitors
- Mr. Kovacs Jozsef, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary (Nov-Dec, 2002)
- Dr. Laurent Lefevre, INRIA, France (June 2003)
- Dr. Jean-Patrick Gelas, INRIA, France (June 2003)
- Dr. Jemal H. Abawajy, Carleton University, Canada (June-Sept, 2003)
- Bohdan Durnota, Gridopia/Tjurunga, Australia (Sept'03 - 2005)
- Dr. Rafael Moreno-Vozmediano, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain (Aug-Oct, 2003)
- Prof. Kai Hwang, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, July 2004. Sponsored by Tewksbury Fellowship at University of Melbourne Faculty of Engineering.
- Prof. Chen-Khong Tham, National University of Singapore, June-Oct., 2004. Sponsored by Universitas 21 Fellowship.
- Prof. Dr. Wolfram Schiffmann, The FernUniversitaet in Hagen / University in Hagen, Germany, Jan-Feb 2005.
- Jihyoun Park, Seoul National University, Korea, July-Aug 2005.
- Prof. Sushil K Prasad, Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA (July-Aug, 2006), Jointly funded by GRIDS Lab, NICTA, and ARC RN for Sensor Networks, July-Aug, 2006 (report).
- Prof. T. S. Selvi, Anna University, Chennai, India, (May-June, 2006), Funded by GRIDS Lab, May/June 2006.
- Julio López Albin, PhD student, University of Santiago, Spain, July-Oct. 2006.
- Agustin C. Caminero Herraez, PhD Student, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, Oct-Dec.2006.
- Roberto Podesta, PhD Student, Universita degli Studi di Genova, Italy, Oct-Dec.2006.
- Prof. Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, Piscataway, USA, Nov. 2006.
- Dr. Yoshitake Kobayashi, The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, May-Dec. 2006. - Joined Toshiba R&D in Japan after visiting us.
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Reich, Hochschule Furtwangen University, Germany, Oct 2006-March 2007.
- Christian Vecchiola, PhD Student, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy, Oct 2006-Jan.2007.
- Dr Kris Bubendorfer, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, November 2006-June 2007.
- Hui Li, University of Leiden, The Netherlands, March-June 2007.
- Prof. T. S. Selvi, Anna University, Chennai, India, (July/Aug, 2007), Funded by GRIDS Lab/ISSNIP Group, May/June 2006.
- Dr. Akiko Nakaniwa, Osaka Sangyo University, Osaka, Japan, Aug(19)-Sept.(15), 2007.
- Dr.Pramod Kumar Konugurthi, Indian Space Research Organisation, Hyderabad, India, Aug 2007-Jan 2008. On DEST Fellowship.
- Professor H. J. Siegel, Colorado State University, USA, June 2-20, 2008.
- Dr. Ivona Brandic, Vienna University of Technology, Austria: June 1 - July 31, 2008.
- Xiao Feng Wang, National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), Changsha, China, Nov 2007-Nov-2008. (China Scholarship Council's Fellowship).
- Cory Andrew Henson, Wright State University, USA, Jan-March 2009.
- Arun Anandasivam, Universität Karlsruhe, Germany, Jan-March 2009.
- Professor Carlos A. Varela, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA, Jan-Aug 2009.
- Alberto Sánchez-Campos, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain, May-Aug 2009.
- Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil, Aug 2008-2009.
- Nithiapidary Muthuvelu, Multimedia University, Malaysia, Jun-Dec, 2009 - on Australian DIISR Fellowship.
- Dr. Srinivasa K G, MSRIT, Bangalore, India, Aug 2010-Jan 2011 - on BOYSCAST Fellowship of Govt. of India.
- Dr. Ruppa (Tulsi) Thulasiram, University of Manitoba, Canada, Jan 2011-July 2011.
- Dr. Parimala Thulasiraman, University of Manitoba, Canada, Jan 2011-July 2011.
- Guofu Feng, Nanjing Audit University, China, March-Aug 2011.
- Toktam Ghafarian Mabhoot, Feirdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, May-Dec.2011.
- Abdullah Gani, University of Malay, Kaul Lumpur, Malaysia, Sept. 2011-2012.
- Dr. Kurt Vanmechelen, Universiteit Antwerpen, Belgium, Aug 16-Sept 16, 2012.
- Mr. Mehran Garmehi, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran: March-Aug 2013.
- Mr.Robert Dukaric', University of Ljubljana, Slovenia: June-Aug. 2013.
- Professor Li Liu, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China, Nov. 2012-Oct. 2013.
- Guilherme da Cunha Rodrigues, Federal University of Rio grande do sul, Brazil: Dec. 2013-July 2014.
- Ms. Ding Jing, Hefei University of Technology (HFUT) Hefei, China: Nov. 2012-2014.
- Ms. Deborah Magalhães, Federal University of Ceará, Brazil: July 2013-2014.
- Prof. Tian Wenhong, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China: July 2014-June 2015.
- A/Prof. Jing Liu, Inner Mongolia University, China: Sep. 2014-Sep. 2015.
- Mr. Hongyou Li, Sichuan University, China: Sep. 2014-Sep. 2015.
- Prof. Yogesh Simmhan, Indian Institute of Science, India: Sept 2014.
- Prof. Zhen Xiao, Peking University, China: Sept 2014.
- Prof. Umesh Bellur, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India: Nov. 2014.
- Prof. Satish Narayana Srirama, University of Tartu, Estonia: Jan/Feb 2015.
- Ms. Patricia Arroba Garcia, Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain: Oct 2014-Jan 2015.
- Fabio Diniz Rossi, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil: Nov. 2014- Aug. 2015.
- Ms. Nitisha Jain, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India: March-May 2015.
- Mr. Harshit Gupta, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India: May-July 2015.
- Prof. Satish Narayana Srirama, University of Tartu, Estonia: Jan 2016.
- Prof. Prof. R.K. Shyamasundar, IIT Bombay, June 2016.
- Mr. Leonard Heilig, University of Hamburg, Germany, July 2016.
- Prof. Shangguang Wang, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, July 2016.
- Prof. Kyong Hoon Kim, Gyeongsang National University, South Korea, July/Aug. 2016.
- Ms. Maria Salama, University of Birmingham, UK, Oct 2016.
- Mr. Artur Pilimon, Technical University of Denmark, Aug-Oct 2016.
- Dr. Satish N Srirama, University of Tartu, Estonia, April-Aug 2017.
- Dr. Rajinder Sandhu, GND University, Amritsar, India, Jan-Aug 2017.
- Ms. Kashish Ara Shakil, Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi, India, June-Aug 2017.
- Prof. Giuliano Casale, Imperial College London, UK, August 2017.
- Prof. Gleb Radchenko, South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk, Russia, September 2017.
- Dr. Dawei Sun, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, China, May-Nov. 2017.
- Mr. Arash Shaghaghi, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, Aug-Dec. 2017.
- Mr. Ehsan Nadjaran Toosi, Germany, Nov 2017-Jan 2018.
- Shreshth Tuli, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India, May-July 2018.
- Dr Rami Bahsoon, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK, Aug 21-Nov 20, 2018.
- Prof. Vlado Stankovski, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, July 1-Sept 30, 2018.
- Prof. Stefan Voß, University of Hamburg, Germany, Aug 1-15, 2018.
- Dr. Wenjuan Li, Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, China, Dec. 2017-Dec. 2018.
- Dr. Huaming Wu, Tianjin University, China, Jan-Feb 2019.
- Mohammadreza Razian, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran, September 8, 2018 to May 22, 2019.
- Prof. Mohsen Kahani, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran, Jan-Aug 2019.
- Shreshth Tuli, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India, May-July 2019.
- Nipam Basumatary, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, May-July 2019.
- Riccardo Mancini, University of Pisa, Italy, July-Sept 2019.
- Dr. Sai Seshachalapathi, Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS), Pilani, India, July-Dec. 2019.
- Amin Shahraki, University of Oslo, Norway, Aug. 2019-Feb. 2020.
- Dr. Zhicheng Cai, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China, Aug 2019-Aug 2020.
- Dr. Xiaogang Wang, Shanghai Dianji University, China, September 2019-September 2020.
- Linna Ruan, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications (BUPT), China. Sept. 2019-Sept. 2020.
- Dongcheng Zhao, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, China, Oct. 2019-Oct.2020.
- Leila Fayez Ismail, UAE University, UAE, Oct. 2022-2023
- Patricia Arroba, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain, Nov 2022-Feb 2023.
- Mr. Shoaib Burq (Research Assistant), 2002 - developed VPM.
- Mr. Hussein Gibbins (Research Assistant), 2003 - developed Gridscape.
- Mr. Martin Placek (B.E student), July 2002-June 2003 - developed G-Monitor.
- Mr. Ding Choon-Hoong (Research Programmer), Oct. 2003-Aug. 2004 - enhanced G-Monitor and contributed to Gridbus Broker.
- Mr.Kwai Wah Ho - Sem 1, 2004 - developed G-Monitor support for Mobile devices (MIT Project)
- Ms.Deepa Nair - Sem 1, 2004 - co-developed Unicore adaptor for Gridbus Broker.
- Mr. Akshay Luther - 2004 - led the development of Alchemi, which is a .NET based Enterprise Grid system.
- Ms. Wendy Cameron - 2004 -- contributed to gridbus broker.
- Mr. Henry Lin - 2004 - -- fininsed honours thesis on grid economy and data replication.
- Ms.Parvin Asadzadeh - MIT project 2004 -- implemented Unicore adopter for Gridbus broker.
- Mr.Alan Yim - MIT project 2004 - DEMI (Decentralized Media Streaming Infrastructure (DeMSI): P2P network.
- Dr. Shushant Goel, April-Aug 2005 - worked as PostDoc.
- Dr. Tianchi Ma, Feb 2005-March 2006 -- researched on workflows and data grids.
- Mr. Alex Barmouta (from UWA), 2002-2004 - collaborated on GridBank as part of his Masters by research studies.
- Mr. Srikumar Venugopal, July 2002-July 2006 - pursued PhD studies and the PostDoc upto March 2009.
- Mr. Martin Placek, July 2004-July 2006 - pursued Masters by research.
- Mr. Krishna Nadiminti, Aug 2004-March 2007 - worked as Software Engineer/Research Fellow.
- Mr. Hussein Gibbins, Oct. 2004-March 2007 - worked as Software Engineer/Research Fellow.
- Dr. Kyong Hoon Kim, Oct. 2005-Sept.2007 - worked as PostDoc Research Fellow (funded by Korean Govt. and Melbourne University). Moved to Gyeongsang National University, Korea (Assistant Professor).
- Ms. Jia Yu (jiayu), Feb. 2003-Oct.2007 - pusued PhD studies.
- Mr. Chee Shin Yeo, April 2003-Jan 2008 - pusued PhD studies.
- Mr. Anthony Sulistio (anthony), April 2003-April 2008 - pursued PhD studies.
- Dr. SungJin Choi, Aug 2007-Sept. 2008 - worked as PostDoc Research Fellow (funded by Korean Govt. and Melbourne University).
- Khaled Ahsan Talukder, March 2007-Nov. 2008 - pursued Masters by Research.
- Rajiv Ranjan, Aug 2004-2008 - pursued PhD and then PostDoc upto March 2009.
- Mr. Marcos Assunção, March 2005- March 2009 - pursued PhD studies.
- Mr.Tom Kobialka, May 2008-2009, Research Fellow.
- Mr. Chee Shin Yeo, April 2003-Jan 2008 (PhD Student) and PostDoc upto July 2009.
- Dr. Chao Jin (chaojin), May 2006 - Dec. 2009.
- Dr. Alexandre di Costanzo, May 2008-Dec.2009.
- Mr. Marco A. S. Netto, Feb 2006- Nov 2009 (PhD Student) and Research Fellow (upto Feb 2010).
- Mr. Mukaddim Pathan (apathan), Feb 2006- Nov 2009 (PhD Student); April 2010 (PostDoc)
- Dr. Adam Barker, Oct 2009-June 2010 (PostDoc).
- Mr. Xingchen Chu, 2006-Aug 2010 (Research Fellow).
- Mr. Mustafizur Rahman, Feb 2006-Aug 2010 (PhD Student).
- Ms. Jessie Yi Wei, Sept 2010-April 2011.
- Dr. Christian Vecchiola, May 2007-Jun 2011 (Research Fellow).
- Dr. James Broberg, 2007-2010 (Research Fellow/APD Fellow).
- Mr. Suraj Pandey, Aug 2007-Dec. 2010 (PhD students) and Jan-June 2011 (Research Fellow).
- Dr.Javadi Bahman, June 2010-June 2011 (Research Fellow).
- Mohshen Amini, Aug 2008-Aug. 2012 (PhD student)
- Mr. Amir Vahid, Feb 2009-Feb. 2013 (PhD student)
- Mr. Anton Beloglazov, May 2009-March 2013 (PhD student)
- Dr. Saurabh Garg, March 2008-2010 (PhD student), March 2010-May 2012 (Research Fellow).
- Mr. Dileban Karunamoorthy, March 2009-May 2012 (Research Fellow)
- Mr. Enayat Masoumi, June 2012-Aug 2013 (Research Assistant).
- Mr. Sivaram Yoganathan, 2011-2012 as a Research Student.
- Rekha Garg, 2013 as a Research Assistant.
- Michael Mattess, 2008-2013 as a Research Student.
- Mr. William Voorsluys , 2008-2013 as a PhD Student.
- Ms. Linlin Wu, 2010-2014 as a PhD student
- Mr. Tiago Justino, 2014 as a Research Assistant
- Ms. Diana Barreto, 2014-2015 as a Research Assistant.
- Ms. Manasi Bapat, Nov. 2015-Jan 2016 as a Research Assiatant.
- Mr. Adel Nadjaran Toosi, 2010-2014 as a PhD student; and then upto May 2018 as a PostDoc.
- Mr. Deepak Poola, 2011-2015 as a PhD student.
- Mr. Nikolay Grozev, 2012-2014 as a PhD student.
- Ms. Sareh Fotuhi, Feb. 2012-March 2016 as a PhD student; upto Dec. 2016 as RA.
- Mr. Raghavendra Kune, 2014-2016 (University of Hyderabad, India) as an external PhD student.
- Dr. Amir Vahid, 2014-2016 as a Research Fellow/PostDoc.
- Mr. Hasanul Ferdaus, 2011-2015-(Monash University, Australia) as an external PhD student; during 2016-2017 as a RA.
- Ms. Maria Rodriguez, Oct 2012-Aug 2016 as a PhD student.
- Mr. Joarder Kamal, 2012-2016-(Monash University, Australia) as an external PhD student.
- Dr. Rodrigo N. Calheiros, 2012-2016 as a Research Fellow/PostDoc.
- Mr. Chenhao Qu, Feb 2013-Dec. 2016 as a PhD student; during 2017 as RA.
- Ms. Deborah Maria Vieira Magalhes, 2013-2016 (Federal University of Cear, Brazil) associated as a PhD student.
- Mr. Yaser Mansouri, Aug 2012-March 2017 as a PhD student; March/April 2016 as RA.
- Ms. Atefeh Khosravi, Feb 2012- April 2017 as a PhD student.
- Ms. Patricia Arroba Garca, 2014-June 2017 (Universidad Politcnica de Madrid, Spain) as an external PhD student.
- Mr.Jungmin Jay Son, Jan 2014-2018 as a PhD student; from Feb 2018-Jan 2019 as a RA.
- Mr.Bowen Zhou, Feb 2014-Jan 2018 as a PhD student.
- Ms. Maria Salama, University of Birmingham, UK, 2016-July 2018 as a external PhD student.
- Dr. Sukhpal Singh Gill, July 2017-Sept 2018 as a PostDoc (academic visitor).
- Mr. Xunyun Liu (Sept. 2014-April 2018) and continued upto Nov 2018 as a RA.
- Mr. Minxian Xu (Oct 2015-Nov. 2018) as a PhD student; continued upto Jan 2019 as a RA.
- Mr. Safiollah Heidari (June 2014-May 2018) as a PhD student;
- Mr. Carlos Mera-Gomez, University of Birmingham, UK, Sept 2015-April 2019 as a external PhD student.
- Mr. Caesar Wu, June 2015-2019, as a PhD student.
- Ms. Sara Kardani Moghaddam, Sept 2015-July 2019, as a PhD student.
- Mr. Anit Khan, Jan 2017-Nov. 2019, Monash University, Australia, as an external PhD student.
- Mr. Redowan Mahmud, Feb 2016-January 2020, as a PhD Student; then upto Sept 2021 as PostDoc.
- Mr. Muhammad H. Hilman, Jan 2016-March 2020, as a PhD Student.
- Ms. Imairi Eitiveni, July 2016-June 2020, as a PhD Student.
- Mr. Satish Kumar, University of Birmingham, UK, May 2017-July 2020, as an external PhD student.
- Mr. Muhammed Tawfiqul Islam, July 2016-Auguest 2020 as a PhD Student.
- Mr. Prabhakar Krishnan, 2018-Dec 2020, Amrita University, India as an external PhD student..
- Mr. Mohammadreza Razian, 2018-Jan 2021, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Tehran, Iran as a research visitor and external PhD student.
- Mr. Rajendra Dwivedi, 2019-Jan 2021 (Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, India) as an external PhD student.
- Mr. Zhiheng Zhong, July 2018-Dec. 2020, as a PhD Student.
- Mr. Jaydeep Das, Jan 2015-Jan 2021 Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India as an external PhD student.
- Mr. Shashikant Ilager, March 2017-Feb 2021 as a PhD Student and then as Research Assistant upto Aug. 2021.
- Mr. Rohit Kumar Tiwari, 2019-July 2021 (Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur, India) as an external PhD student.
- Mr. TianZhang He, July 2017-August 2021 as a PhD Student.
- Mr. Mohammad Goudarzi, June 2018-February 2022 as a PhD student;
- Mr. Rajeev Muralidhar, Sept 2019-2022 (as part time PhD student).
- Ms. Samodha Pallewatta, Feb 2019-May 2023 (as a PhD student)
- Mr. Yulun Huang, Dec. 2021-Aug-2023 (as a PhD student)
- Ms. Amanda Jayanetti, Feb 2019-Dec. 2023 (as a PhD student).
- Ms. Anupama Mampage, Feb 2020-Nov 2023 (as a PhD student).
- Mr. Guangyao Zhou, 2021-June 2024, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) (associated as external PhD student during June 2021-2024).
- Ms. Shinu M. Rajagopal, April 2018-Aug. 2024, Amrita University, India. (associated as external PhD student)
- Ms. Kalyani Pendyala, Dec. 2021-2024 (as part time PhD student).