Selected Presentations - Slides
Course Lectures
Invited and Keynote Talks
- Cloud Computing: Foundations and Solutions, International School on Internet of Things and Edge AI: Computing, Communications and Systems, Calabria, Italy, September 8-12, 2022.
- New Frontiers in Cloud and Edge/Fog Computing (Talk in 2022, YouTube Video - Talk in 2020 and PPT Slides)
- Multi-Cloud Computing for Big Data Applications (YouTube Video and PPT Slides)
- Performance Evaluation Methodologies, CloudSim Toolkit, and Innovative Solutions for Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing (YouTube Videp and PPT Slides)
- Excellence and Impact of Research and Publications: My Journey and Reflections,
- New Innovations in Cloud Computing for Big Data Applications
- Content Distribution Networks: Trends, Architectures, and Strategies, National Conference on Strategies for Development of Content Distribution Networks, Ministry of ICT, Tehran, Iran, Dec. 27-28, 2015.
- Energy Efficient / Green Cloud Computing
- Keynote - Market-Oriented Cloud Computing: Vision, Hype, and Reality, 9th IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2009), May 18-21, 2009, Shanghai, China.
- Keynote Talk - Grid Computing and the Gridbus Middleware: Making the Global Cyberinfrastructure for e-Science and e-Business Applications a Reality,
International Conference on Computing and Informatics,
June 6-8, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Introduction to Grid Computing: Trends, Challenges, Technologies, Applications, Osaka University, Japan, July 10, 2006.
- The Gridbus Middleware: Creating and Managing Utility Grids for Powering e-Science and e-Business Applications, Osaka University, Japan, July 12, 2006. Videos: clip 1 and clip2.
- Gridbus Middleware and Utility Grids: Building Autonomic and Market-Oriented Global Grids for Delivering IT Services as the 5th Utility, 14th International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications (ADCOM 2006), Dec. 20-23, 2006, Surathkal, India.
- QoS-based Scheduling of e-Research Application Workflows on Global Grids, Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, May 4, 2007.
- Challenges of Research in Scalable Systems, CCGrid 2006 Doctoral Symposium, May 14-17, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- Detailed List
Conference Tutorials
Slides of Other Presentations
- Hot Topics in in Computing and IT in the Next Decade, Panel Talk, 11th International CSI Computer Conference (CSICC 2006), Tehran, Iran, Jan. 24-26, 2006.
- Service Oriented Sensor Web, Sensor Network subject @ Melbourne University, 2006.
- Grid Research and Engineering Vs Standards, Panel Talk, GCC 2006, Changsha, China.
- Power Aware Scheduling of Bag-of-Tasks Applications with Deadline Constraints on DVS-Enabled Clusters, 7th IEEE International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (CCGrid 2007), May 14-17, 2007, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The Quantum Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (qCLOUDS) Laboratory
School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne, Australia