Our Mission

Continue to be a world leader in developing innovative and utility-oriented distributed computing systems and technologies.


The Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, formerly GRIDS Lab, is a software research and development group within the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University of Melbourne, Australia. The CLOUDS Lab is actively engaged in the design and development of next-generation computing systems and applications that aggregate or lease services of distributed resources depending on their availability, capability, performance, cost , and users' quality-of-service requirements. The lab is working towards realising this vision through its two flagship projects: Gridbus and Cloudbus.

The Gridbus project is engaged in the creation of open-source specifications, architecture and a reference Grid toolkit implementation of service-oriented grid and utility computing technologies for eScience and eBusiness applications. The Gridbus software is being used in Grid-enabling a number of applications in science, engineering, and commerce. Our research and innovation sponsors include: Australian Research Council, Storage Technology Corporation, Sun Microsystems, VPAC, IBM, and Singapore Computer Systems.

The project name GRIDBUS is derived from its research theme: to create next-generation GRID computing and BUSiness technologies that power the emerging eScience and eBusiness applications. The Gridbus project builds on our founder's early work in grid economy and distributed resource management to realise its full potential to serve as an enabler for the creation of service-oriented computing industries.

  • Gridbus leding a HPC Challenge at SC 2003.

    Cloudbus is Melbourne University's new initiative in Cloud Computing for conducting fundamental research on the design and development of market-oriented Cloud platforms for a range of applications. More...

    For latest information on Gridbus technologies, please see Gridbus flyer and Gridbus status report; for Cloudbus technologies, see Cloudbus Flyer

    For details on our R&D activities and outcomes annually, please see our annual reports.

    A Single Page Flyer of various Gridbus Components

    The Quantum Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (qCLOUDS) Laboratory
    School of Computing and Information Systems
    The University of Melbourne, Australia