Grand ambitions By Beverley Head February 22, 2005: The Age and Sydney Morning Herald Hugh Durrant-Whyte is building a world where one day he will control the Hunter Valley's mines and robotic expeditionary forces in remote areas from the PC in his Sydney office. Professor Durrant-Whyte and his team at the Australian Research Council's Centre of Excellence for Autonomous Systems are tackling a "Grand Challenge" of IT research – the fusion of machines, computing, sensing and software to create intelligent systems that interact with the complex real world. When that fusion takes place, every industry in Australia will be revolutionised, says Durrant-Whyte, who is also director of the Australian Centre for Field Robotics. Pilotless air vehicles will fight bushfires; remote wireless sensors on mountain tops and at the bottom of the sea will analyse the environment in real-time; the quality and quantity of Australia's water supply will be minutely tracked to control automated irrigation systems. Grand Challenge is the term given to expensive and revolutionary science and engineering research – such as the Human Genome project, climate modelling and sending man to the moon – that draws in specialists from many disciplines, sometimes over a generation or more. Grand Challenges are large-scale problems requiring herculean research; they are nation-building exercises that take an over-the-horizon view of where technology, business and society are headed. AdvertisementAdvertisement It is not enough to find a short-term hole in the market and chase it, says Monash University's Professor David Green, because "big questions get big answers in research". But Green says mounting a grand challenge is no guarantee of long-term leadership - unless researchers are supported beyond their initial breakthroughs, other nations will seize the lead. It happened to him: "In the 1990s, Australia had the clear lead in computing environmental information," he says, but adds that when funding disappeared, so did that lead. The Global Biodiversity Information Facility is now headquartered in Denmark, when it could have been based here. The winds of change have been kinder to Durrant-Whyte. The future promised from his grand challenge research into intelligent autonomous systems is one where data is collected from anywhere at any time and relayed wirelessly to massive high-performance computing networks. The data will be intensively analysed and turned into knowledge used to better direct autonomous systems or humans. Durrant-Whyte has 150 staff including physicists, engineers, IT specialists, mathematicians and an artist-in-residence. The centre, with its five full-time staff and 70 PhD students, has an annual budget of $10 million - enough to forge strong international and corporate connections such as those with Australia's biggest stevedore, Patrick, where they are working on a $150 million project to build the world's first unmanned container terminal. He needs all these resources because, before he sends his robot forces into the world, he must learn how to control them. "You might have 1000 robots looking after East Timor but you don't want 1000 people with joysticks to operate them," Durrant-Whyte says. "And if I want to put a robot into a jungle, then I need to be able to model the jungle - and tell what's a palm tree, or understand that nice, flat area up ahead is in fact a lake." Professor Brian Anderson, chief scientist with National ICT Australia (NICTA), a Federal Government-funded national laboratory, says another Grand Challenge for Australia is building knowledge that helps humans, and not robots, to act. NICTA is running the world's biggest brain scan study with the Canberra Centre for Mental Health and Sydney's Prince of Wales hospital. Advanced software will scour the combined brain scan databases for patterns that hold clues to factors associated with Alzheimer's, epilepsy and schizophrenia. The mathematical algorithms will filter noise and corrupt data from the scans. Anderson says more intimate links between computers and brains will emerge once one of physics' grand challenges is conquered - nanotechnology. He says that in five years, advances in nanotechnology will bridge IT and the life-sciences, generating new applications in health, agriculture and veterinary sciences. He sees a day when processors are made from tissue to be implanted in the brain. Apart from the software engineering challenges associated with managing unprecedented quantities of data, there are ommunications hurdles face ubiquitous trusted wireless networks, he says. Global networks that are cheap, totally secure and readily available will dramatically affect politics, bridging communities throughout the world. Dr Alex Zelinsky, director of the ICT Centre at the national researcher, CSIRO, says gigabit wireless links - more than 10 times faster than today's swiftest 802.11-enhanced protocols - will be needed to support the wireless sensors and actuators required to automate businesses and homes. Handling that massive volume of data flying through the air presents its own grand challenges. Consider the example of a hospital clinician researching deep-vein thrombosis (DVT). In this scenario, the hospital matches its admission records with the airlines' passenger manifests to find the incidence of DVT in relation to flight times, and destinations and arrivals, to identify risk patterns. The network may not need to be very fast but, due to the sensitive information and privacy laws, has to be absolutely secure. That's typical of challenges tackled by grid-computing researchers, says Professor John O'Callaghan, executive director of the Australian Partnership for Advanced Computing (APAC). Researchers envision a time in the not-too-distant future when many organisations' systems that collect, store and process data will be available instantly to each other with little or no human intervention. They will appear as they are needed, knitted together into a sophisticated global computing fabric to be tapped at the touch of a button, and won't require complex programming work, as is usually the case today. O'Callaghan says the hurdle is the plumbing - "middleware" that glues the systems together and acts as a hybrid traffic cop, managing the flow of information, and an interpreter to parse the complex commands native to different systems so they all end up speaking the same language. Later this year, APAC- which links the supercomputing resources of its eight partners including the CSIRO, Australian National University and the Australian Centre for Advanced Computing and Communications in NSW - will extend its grid to a wider research community. APAC received a boost last week when it said a new SGI supercomputer will lift processing power 10-fold, part of a five-year, $29 million in Commonwealth funding to the Canberra group. O'Callaghan says SGI's Altix 3700 Bx2 system with 1680 Intel Itanium 2 processors will, for the first time, make it possible for 600 researchers to tackle tough computational challenges in bioinformatics, astronomy, chemistry, the environment and physics. It will model Antarctic sea ice interactions so climate change is better understood, peer into the origins of galaxies and simulate alloy materials to improve car design, among other areas. Dr Rajkumar Buyya, senior lecturer and StorageTek fellow of grid computing at the University of Melbourne, is working on a new breed of software engineering tools that quickly construct complex, secure, distributed systems that adapt resources such as APAC's new toy with minimal effort. Like building a castle with children's building blocks, a system can be built by someone with little programming skill, pulled apart, and built again into something else just as effortlessly. Buyya says that universities are demonstrating some early systems including ones that charge for the resources requested, but commercial tools for commercial are four years away. Grand challenges aren't solved overnight, even by the brightest brains. Some, such as the web, need a first, rough draft before they reach their potential. The "semantic web" is like the web on steroids, version 2.0 of the killer application that sent the internet mainstream and resulted in the greatest flow of information the world has known. It was envisaged by the web's creator, British computer engineer and subsequent executive director of co-ordinating body the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Sir Tim Berners-Lee, to link systems no matter what they are, where they are or who owns them. As its name implies, the semantic web better defines resources so they sre found and used to automate tasks more easily, not just display information such as web pages for reading by humans. Think of it as the "web for robots". Charles McCathieNeville, who, for the past six years worked at the W3C and on its advanced development of the semantic web, says this smarter web is as mature as the World Wide Web was when it went public in 1994. When it hits its stride, the greater indexing capability of the semantic web will further unlock the 93 per cent of the web that even Google doesn't know about, says Zelinsky. Although tools such as eXtensible Markup Language (XML), which embed contextual information about resources on the web, are small steps towards the semantic web, McCathieNeville says we need far more sophisticated software tools and ways to access information beyond the familiar web browser. But it is not artificial intelligence, although he says it may have a similar effect: "There are interesting examples in translation and cataloguing multimedia." Building intelligence into systems continues to fixate roboticist Durrant-Whyte, who found the best place to work on his grand challenge is Sydney - the biggest centre for this sort of research outside of Carnegie-Mellon University in the north-eastern US city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He moved to Australia from Oxford in 1995, recognising that here he could develop the computer systems and robots to run mines, container terminals and support the defence force - and then run live trials with industry. Such is the international esteem in which his team is held that it receives more financial support from the UK than similar British organisations. And it's an indication of business's interest in the technology that of Durrant-Whyte's $10 million research budget, just $3 million comes from government. But Durrant-Whyte's grandest ambition for his challenge may be to leapfrog his US rival so Sydney becomes the world's leading centre and the national focus for research, development and commercial application of intelligent autonomous systems. He says when that happens, "existing industries will be more competitive, and we will be able to build entire new industries around very large automation". Container terminal on autopilot Transport giant, Patrick, stands to be among the first to benefit from Grand Challenge research into robotics being conducted by Hugh Durrant-Whyte, with plans to sink up to $150 million into a cutting-edge project to build the world's first fully-automated container terminal. Patrick is finishing an 18-month pilot project at Fisherman's Island berth 7 in Brisbane, which by June will have 14 robotic automatic straddle carriers called "Autostrads" says development manager Graeme Nelmes. The Autostrads are capable of 23 to 35 moves an hour, says co-developer, Kalmar Straddle Carriers. Nelmes says the Autostrads, which weigh up to 100 tonnes fully loaded and are 14.5 metres high, or the height of a four-storey building, are controlled by a complex computer-based traffic management system, linked to Patrick's inventory database, which manages traffic flow automatically. The Autostrads take themselves back to the repair shop for fuel and maintenance, operated manually only when trucks are unloaded. Nelmes says this sytem reduces running costs - labour and fuel - while reducing damage to the carriers and improving safety. "We can run 24x7 with the lights off," he says. He says Autostrads are intuitive, able to learn from their environment. Thinking ahead Monash University, which boasts Australia's largest IT faculty, recently held a workshop organised by Professor David Green to identify the grand challenges facing the nation. * Distributed computing and information * o network computing o web services o grids and clusters * Computing that mimics nature * o autonomous systems o evolutionary computing o "Swarm" intelligence o selfassembling systems * Novel forms of computation * o quantum computing o nanotechnology o biocomputers * The information frontier * o coping with vast quantities of information o organising knowledge o managing personal information over a lifetime * Information security * o viruses, worms, privacy, spyware o reliable systems, self-correction etc * Pervasive and ubiquitous computing such as mobile technology Next Speak Grand Challenge: Complex science and engineering problems with broad societal impacts whose solutions are advanced only through the use of high-performance computing. Grid computing: Networks of individual computers than work together like a single machine to solve complex problems. Nanotechnology: The control of single atoms to create devices such as computer chips that are thousands of times smaller than traditionally possible. Middleware: Software that links two normally unrelated systems.