The Utility Grid Project: Autonomic and Utility-Oriented Global Grids for Powering Emerging e-Research Applications


Grid computing is emerging as an enabler for the creation of global Cyberinfrastructure for e-Research applications and is recognised as one of the top five emerging technologies that will have a major impact on the quality of science and society over the next 20 years. This International Science Linkage (ISL) Project, funded by the Australian Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST) from Nov. 2006-Dec. 2009, links Australian researchers with international researchers primarily through (1) two EU FP6 projects: CoreGrid and CatNets, (2) Chinese Grid project (ChinaGrid), (3) Indian Grid project (Garuda), and (4) American AutoMate. The project is aimed at enhancing the scope and depth of Australian R&D in Grid computing and e-Research; establishing linkages to enable the leveraging of the capabilities and resources of both Australian and international partners; and developing grid technologies that improve agility and utility of national and international Cyberinfrastructure powering e-Research applications.

This project aims to produce basic scientific discoveries and turn them into commercial outcomes through the development of:

The project milestones are:

  1. Analysis of Next Generation Grid Architectures and e-Research Applications
  2. Core Grid Economic Infrastructure and Protocols for Service Negotiation
  3. GridSuperscalar support for the Gridbus broker
  4. Modelling and Simulation of Utility Grids using GridSim Toolkit
  5. Broker as a User Agent within Utility Grids for Coordinated Resource Allocation
  6. e-Research Application Development and Deployment
  7. Dissemination, Commercialization and Next Steps
Milestone 1 activities are carried out during the first 6 months. After that, all other milestones are carried out in parallel upto the end of project.

The Project Manager

Project Partners/Collaborators

Project Host
International Partners

Australian Partners

Project Publications

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The Quantum Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (qCLOUDS) Laboratory
School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne, Australia