The SensorWeb Project: Unifying Sensor Networks and Grid Computing with the World-Wide Web


The SensorWeb project aims at developing Open SensorWeb Architecture (OSWA) and implementing standards compliant platform and middleware for integration of sensor networks with emerging distributed computing platforms such as Grids. It confirms to Web Services standard defined by the W3C (World-Wide Web) and SensorML (Sensor Model Language) standard defined by the OpenGeospatial Consortium. This integration of sensor networks with Grid computing brings out dual benefits: (i) sensor networks can off-load heavy processing activities to the Grid and (ii) Grid-based sensor applications can provide advance services for smart-sensing by deploying scenario-specific operators at runtime. Our Open SensorWeb Architecture consists of four layers: sensor fabric layer, core services, user-level services, and applications. Core services are provided by lower-level layer components whereas components at the user-level layer provide tools for creation of applications and management of life-cycle of data captured through sensor networks.

The project primarily aims to develop (a) an interactive development environment, (b) an open and standards-compliant SensorWeb application services middleware, and (c) a coordination language to support the development of sensor applications in various domains including water observation networks, safe road transportation management systems, and Tsunami detection network for the early warning systems.

The OSWA-based platform provides a number of sensor and actuation services, such as:

Team Members and Collaborators

University of Melbourne - Current:

Past Members (involved during 2005-2007):

External Collaborators:


Student Reports



Useful Pointers

The Quantum Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (qCLOUDS) Laboratory
School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne, Australia