May 11-14, 2020, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Call For Research/Product Demonstrations

We invite research demonstrations from laboratories or research groups (academic, government, or industrial) to showcase new innovations and technologies in Cloud Computing and HPC/scientific applications at the CCGrid 2020 conference. CCGrid is a highly successful and well-recognized International conference for presenting the latest breakthroughs in Cluster, Cloud and Internet Computing.

We welcome demos from all areas within the scope of CCGrid 2020. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Scientific, Engineering, Commercial or e-Science Applications using Cloud Computing and/or emerging Internet computing paradigms (Fog, Edge, Serverless, etc)
  • Middleware
  • Demonstrable Open-Challenges
  • Resource Management
  • Scheduling and Load Balancing
  • Programming Models, Tools, and Environments
  • Performance Evaluation and Modelling

The proposal should include:

  • Up to 2 page description of the demo and the set up, and
  • A short (half-page) description of the research lab

Accepted research demonstrations will be invited to present in the conference. These abstracts will not be included in the conference proceedings, but will be published on the conference website.

Live demos are expected to be up and running during the Research Demonstration Session. We strongly discourage recorded presentations. In addition, authors of accepted demonstrations are expected to communicate more general information about the specific demo and other work being performed at the lab using their own posters (poster boards are provided). We will be providing wireless Internet access ONLY. This means, the hardware (compute and data resources) and software needed for the demo should reside either in public Clouds or private infrastructure of research labs/enterprises.

A Best Research Demo Award will be presented to the winning demo/team selected by the award committee at the CCGrid 2020 conference.

Please submit a pdf version of the proposal to: by the due date. When submitting the proposal, add further information on how chairs can access the system being demonstrated (or, alternatively, include a link to a video demonstration or screenshots of the system) to enable evaluation by the chairs.

Research/Product Demonstration Co-ordinators
Dr Rodrigo N. Calheiros, Western Sydney University, Australia
Deepak Puthal, Newcastle University, UK


All participants are required to register for the conference. The registration fee includes all the sessions (including the demo session), tutorials, proceedings and a banquet ticket. Registration details can be found on Registration.

Important Dates
Proposal Due: Feb 25, 2020

Notification of Acceptance: March 10, 2020