Day 1:
December 5, 2011
Ballroom A
Ballroom B
Ballroom C
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Opening & Keynote 1
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Tea
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Regular Papers 1
Tutorial 1
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Regular Papers 2
Tutorial 2
4:00 PM - 4.30 PM
Afternoon Tea
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Short Papers 1
Short Papers 2
Day 2:
December 6, 2011
Ballroom A
Ballroom B
Ballroom C
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Keynote 2
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Regular Papers 3
Regular Papers 4
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Industry Track
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Poster & Demos with Afternoon
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Regular Papers 5
Regular Papers 6
Day 3:
December 7, 2011
Ballroom A
Ballroom B
Ballroom C
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
Keynote 3
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Regular Papers 7
CC & Future of Work
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Regular Papers 8
Regular Papers 9
CC & Future of Work
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Afternoon Tea
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Closing Session
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Social Program/Conference Dinner
Day 1:
December 5, 2011
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Conference Opening
Keynote 1 - Energy-Efficient Cloud
Professor Professor Albert Zomaya, The
University of Sydney, Australia
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Morning Tea
11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Regular Papers 1
Tutorial 1
Venue: Ballroom A
Regular Papers Session 1: Storage
Dispersion over Redundant Arrays of Optimal Cloud Storage for Desktop Users
Josef Spillner, Alexander Schill, Gerd Bombach, Steffen
Matthischke, Johannes Müller and Rico Tzschichholz
Matters: Replica Placement in Peer-Assisted Storage Clouds
Ahmed Ali-Eldin and Sameh El-Ansary
Galileo: A
Framework for Distributed Storage of High-Throughput Data Streams
Matthew Malensek, Sangmi Lee Pallickara and Shrideep
storage nodes for the cloud
Mark Watkins,
Matt Gates, Alistair Coles, Eric Deliot, Aled Edwards, Anna Fischer, Patrick
Goldsack, Tom Hancock, Donagh McCabe, Tim Reddin, JP Sullivan, Peter Toft,
and Lawrence Wilcock
Venue: Ballroom B
Tutorial 1: Turning Ideas Into
Results: Practical Use Of AWS - Amazon Web Services
Simon Elisha, Principal Solution
Architect, Amazon Web Services
Venue: Ballroom C
Cloud Computing and Scientific
Applications Workshop (Session 1)
Principles for Emergency Management Systems (Keynote talk)
Dr. Jürg von Känel (Senior Research Manager, IBM
Research & Development Australia)
and Usability Evaluation of a Cloud Platform for Scientific Computing as a
Service (SCaaS)
Prasad Saripalli, Curt Oldenburg, Ben Walters and N.
Data Transfer
Performance of Web Service Workflows in the Cloud Environment
Donglai Zhang, Paul Coddington and Andrew Wendelborn
Cloud Job Management System for Data Intensive Science
Kim and Jaegyoon Hahm
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
2:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Regular Papers 2
Tutorial 2
Venue: Ballroom A
Regular Papers Session 2: Data
Processing Systems and Security in the Cloud
On the
Performance of Distributed Clustering Algorithms in File and Streaming
Processing Systems
Kathleen Ericson and Shrideep Pallickara
An Efficient
Cross-Match Implementation based on Directed Join Algorithm in MapReduce
Mi Cuncang, Chen Qian and Liu Taoying
EDoS-Shield - A
Two-Steps Mitigation Technique against EDoS Attacks in Cloud Computing
Mohammed H. Sqalli, Fahd Al-Haidari and Khaled Salah
TVDSEC: Trusted
Virtual Domains Security
Tupakula and Vijay Varadharajan
Venue: Ballroom B
Tutorial 2: Scaling Web Applications
using Google App Engine
Brian Quinlan, Software Engineer,
Venue: Ballroom C
Cloud Computing and Scientific
Applications Workshop (Session 2)
Issues and
Challenges in Cloud Storage Services
(Keynote talk)
Dr. Surya Nepal (Principal Research Scientist, CSIRO ICT
Centre, Australia)
Cyber Physical System in Public Transport Application
John Kah Soon Lau, Chen-Khong Tham
and Tie Luo
Extending HTTP
Models to Web 2.0 Applications: the case of Social Networks
Luca Caviglione
MapReduce Data Processing
Jin-Ming Shih, Chih-Shan Liao and Ruay-Shiung Chang
Secure Desktop
Cloud for Gravitational Wave Detection
Wen (Invited talk)
4:00 PM - 4.30 PM
Afternoon Tea
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Short Papers 1
Short Papers 2
Venue: Ballroom A
Short Papers Session 1
Measurement for
Improving the Design of Commodity Archival Storage Tiers
Dongjin Lee, Michael O'Sullivan and Cameron Walker
Dynamic Mobile
Cloud Computing: Ad Hoc and Opportunistic Job Sharing
Niroshinie Fernando, Seng Loke and Wenny Rahayu
Considerations in Cloud Utilization for the Science Gateway nanoHUB.org
Lynn Zentner, Steven Clark, Preston Smith, Swaroop
Shivarajapura, Victoria Farnsworth, Krishna Madhavan and Gerhard Klimeck
Monte Carlo linear
system solver using MapReduce
Jakovits, Ilja Kromonov, and Satish Narayana Srirama
Venue: Ballroom B
Short Papers Session 2
Reconfiguration for Service Oriented Applications
Mark B Cooray, James H Hamlyn-Haris and Robert G Merkel
An Extensible
Cloud Platform Inspired by Operating Systems
Akiyoshi Sugiki and Kazuhiko Kato
Perspectives of Cloud Computing
Zhongliu Xie
Integrity Based
Intrusion Detection System for Enterprise and Cloud Environments
Aderholdt, Sheikh Ghafoor, Ambareen Siraj and Stephen Scott
Venue: Ballroom C
Cloud Computing and Scientific
Applications Workshop (Session 3)
Architecture for Allocation of Virtual Machines Using Processing Features
Emanuel Coutinho, Paulo Rego, Danielo Gomes and Jose De
Applications of
Heterogeneous Computing in Computational and Simulation Science
Luke Domanski, Tomasz Bednarz, Tim Gureyev, Lawrance
Murray, Emma Huang and John Taylor
CLEVER: a Cloud
Cross-Computing Platform leveraging GRID resources
Massimo Villari, Francesco Tusa, Antonio Puliafito and
Maurizio Paone
Listening for
thunder beyond the clouds: using the grid to analyse gravitational wave data
Inta(Invited talk)
Day 2:
December 6, 2011
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
2 - Can Clouds Transform Science? Exploring the Role of Clouds in
Computational and Data-enabled Science and Engineering
Manish Parashar, Rutgers: The State University of New Jersey, USA
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Regular Papers 3
Regular Papers 4
Venue: Ballroom A
Regular Papers Session 3: Virtual
Machines I
Network Jitter for Virtual Machines
Luwei Cheng, Cho-Li Wang, and Sheng Di
Utilizing Memory
Content Similarity for Improving the Performance of Replicated Virtual
Balazs Gerofi, Zoltan Vass and Yutaka Ishikawa
Virtual Machine Provision Algorithms for Cloud Systems
Ching-Chi Lin, Pangfeng Liu and Jan-Jan Wu
Assessment of Parallel Workloads on Virtualized Resources
Delgado, Liana Fong, Yanbin Liu, Norman Bobroff, Seetharami Seelam and S.
Masoud Sadjadi
Venue: Ballroom B
Regular Papers Session 4: Clouds and
Scientific applications
Parallel Programming on Cloud and HPC: Scientific Applications of
Thilina Gunarathne, Bingjing Zhang, Tak-Lon Wu, and Judy Qiu
Modelling Parallel Applications in Cloud Simulations
Saurabh Kumar Garg and Rajkumar Buyya
uniform resource provisioning and access for scientific computing on clouds
and grids
Mihael Hategan, Justin Wozniak and Ketan Maheshwari
The Cloud@Home
Resource Management System
Distefano, Antonio Puliafito and Maria Fazio
Venue: Ballroom C
Intelligent Techniques and
Architectures for Autonomic Clouds Workshop (Session 1)
Load Prediction
and Hot Spot Detection Models for Autonomic Cloud Computing
Prasad Saripalli, Gvr Kiran Kiran, Ravi Shankar, Harish Narware and Nitin
Towards Context
Caches in the Clouds
Saad Liaquat Kiani, Ashiq Anjum,
Kamran Munir, Richard McClatchey, and Nick Antonopoulos
A Dynamic VPN
Architecture for Private Cloud Computing
Wen-Hwa Liao and Shuo-Chun Su
An Architecture
for Integrated Intelligence in Urban Management using Cloud Computing
Khan, David Ludlow, Richard McClatchey, and Ashiq Anjum
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Emerging Network
Architectures for Cloud Computing
Geng Lin, Chief Technology Officer, Networking
Business, Dell Inc.
Open Internet of
Things (OpenIoT)
Dr. Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Director, Information
Engineering Laboratory CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia
Capabilities at
Your Fingertips: An Overview of Innovation at AWS - Amazon Web Services
Simon Elisha, Principal Solution Architect, Amazon Web
Efforts in Cloud Computing
Varadarajan, Managing Director, Fujitsu Australia Software Technology
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Poster & Demos with Afternoon
Private Table
Database Virtualization for DBaaS
Tim Kiefer and Wolfgang Lehner
Open-Source Cloudware
Dana Petcu, Marc Frincu, Ciprian Dorin Crăciun,
Silviu Panica, Marian Neagul and Georgiana Macariu
Ezilla Toolkit -
One Click to Build Private Cloud Easily
Yi-Lun Pan, Chang-Hsing Wu, Hsi-En Yu, Hui-Shan Chen,
and Weicheng Huang
A Secure Storage
Service in the Hybrid Cloud
Surya Nepal, Carsten Friedrich, Leakha Henry and
Shiping Chen
MeDiCi-Cloud: A
Workflow Infrastructure for Large-scale Scientific Applications
Jian Yin, Guang Lin, Ian Gorton, and Binh Han
A Decision
Framework for Discovery and Integration of Cloud Services (Web Poster)
Amirreza Tahamtan, Amin Anjomshoaa, S. Amir Beheshti, A
Min Tjoa
DCC: Data
Centric Compute Resource at the NCI-NF (Web Poster)
Cai, Muhammad Atif, Michael Chapman, Joseph Antony, David Singleton, Ben
Evans, and Peter Strazdins
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Regular Papers 5
Regular Papers 6
Venue: Ballroom A
Regular Papers Session 5: Virtual
Machines II
Impact of Cloud
Computing Virtualization Strategies on Workloads' Performance
Qingling Wang and Carlos Varela
Profitable Virtual Machine Placement in the Data Center
Weiming Shi and Bo Hong
Lightweight Virtual Machines to Run High Performance Computing Applications:
The Case of the Weather Research and Forecasting Model
Duran-Limon, Nikos Nikos Parlavantzas, Ming Zhao, Luis Silva-Bañuelos and
Victor Tellez-Valdez
Venue: Ballroom B
Regular Papers Session 6: Scheduling
and load balancing I
Consolidation Algorithms with Bounded Migration Cost and Performance
Guarantees in Cloud Computing
Yufan Ho, Pangfeng Liu and Jan-Jan Wu
e-science file access behavior via latent Dirichlet allocation
Yusik Kim and
Cécile Germain-Renaud
Configuration of Legacy Applications in the Cloud
Etchevers, Thierry Coupaye, Fabienne Boyer, Noël De Palma and Gwen Salaün
Venue: Ballroom C
Intelligent Techniques and
Architectures for Autonomic Clouds Workshop (Session 2)
Green Compiler
Faiza Fakhar, Raihan Ur Rasool and Owais Malik
Dot-base62x: A
Compact Textual Representation of IPv6 Address for Clouds
Zhenxing Liu, Lu Liu, James Hardy, Ashiq Anjum, Richard Hill, and Nick
Measurement of Web 2.0 based Cloud Applications
Ul Qamar, Raihan Ur Rasool, Hammad Majeed, Imdad Ullah, Saeed Afzal, Bilal
Ali, Hafiz Farooq Ahmad, and Sidrah Inayat
Day 3:
December 7, 2011
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
3 - HPC in the Cloud: use cases from research and industry
Wolfgang Gentzsch, DEISA (Distributed European Initiative for Supercomputing
Applications), Germany
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Morning Tea
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Regular Papers 7
Cloud computing and future of work
Venue: Ballroom A
Regular Papers Session 7: Management
of Cloud resources: Spot Instances, SLAs and Marketplaces I
Dynamic Resource
Allocation for Spot Markets in Cloud Computing Environments
Qi Zhang, Quanyan Zhu and Raouf Boutaba
An Autonomic
Open Marketplace for Inter-Cloud Service Management
Haydn Mearns, John Leaney, Artem
Parakhine, John Debenham and Dominique Verchere
A Marketplace to
Rule Them All - Combining WS-Agreement, Service Negotiation Protocols and
Heterogeneous Services
Ralph Vigne, Juergen Mangler and Erich Schikuta
Mechanisms for Cloud Services: Status Quo and Future Models
Muhss, Robert Neumann and Andreas Schmietendorf
Venue: Ballroom B
Cloud Service Security and Quality
Management Workshop
Verification of
Data Location in Cloud Networking
Thorsten Ries, Volker Fusenig, Christian
Vilbois and Thomas Engel
Verifying Digital
Provenance in Web Services
Ben Palmer, Kris Bubendorfer and Ian Welch
Management for the Dynamic Storage Tiering by Virtual Volume Clustering
Hironori Emaru and Yoshiaki Takai
Content Delivery in multi-CDNs
Ranaldo and Eugenio Zimeo
Venue: Ballroom C
Cloud Computing & Future of Work
Workshop (Session 1)
Future of
Pharmacy, Health & Wellness (Keynote Talk)
Manish Mathur (Senior Director of Architecture,
Walgreens Pharmacy Health and Wellness)
Migration of Enterprise Applications in Multicore Cloud
Venugopal, Karthikeyan Ganesan and Sravan Desikan
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
1:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Regular Papers 8
Regular Papers 9
Cloud computing and future of work
Venue: Ballroom A
Regular Papers Session 8: Management
of Cloud resources: Spot Instances, SLAs and Marketplaces II
SMICloud: A
Framework for Comparing and Ranking Cloud Services
Saurabh Kumar
Garg, Steve Versteeg, and Rajkumar Buyya
Modeling of Spot Instance Prices in Public Cloud Environments
Bahman Javadi, Ruppa Thulasiram and Rajkumar Buyya
Utilization of Public SLA Templates in Autonomic Cloud Markets
Ivan Breskovic, Michael Maurer, Vincent Chimaobi
Emeakaroha, Ivona Brandic and Schahram Dustdar
Open API Recommendation in Clouds via Item-based Collaborative Filtering
Sun, Zibin Zheng, Junliang Chen, Weimin Pan, Chuanchang Liu and Wenming Ma
Venue: Ballroom B
Regular Papers Session 9: Scheduling
and load balancing II
On Data Staging
Strategies for Mobile Accesses to Cloud Services
Yang Wang, Bharadwaj Veeravalli and Chen-Khong Tham
of Resources in Virtual Desktop Clouds for Cost-Aware Utility-Optimal
Mukundan Sridharan, Prasad Calyam, Aishwarya
Venkataraman and Alex Berryman
Automated Diagnosis of Client Device Bottlenecks in Private Clouds
Chathuranga Widanapathirana, Jonathan Li, Y. Ahmet
Sekercioðlu, Milosh Ivanovich, and Paul Fitzpatrick
Meta-heuristics for Scheduling Applications with High Availability
Requirements and Cost Constraints in Multi-Cloud Environments
Frincu and Ciprian Craciun
Venue: Ballroom C
Cloud Computing & Future of Work
Workshop (Session 2)
Future of Work
Computing via Business and Technology Consulting (Keynote Talk)
Dr. Jean-Claude Franchitti (Cognizant Convergent Cloud
Simulation and Augmented Interfaces for Business Models with focus on Banking
and Retail
Shoolapani and Parthasarathi Jinka
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM
Afternoon Tea
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
- Ubiquitous Cloud
Computing: Open Challenges, Innovation Opportunities, and Standards
Agha (Chair), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Dawn Leaf, US National Institute of Standards and Technology
Albert Zomaya, Sydney University, Australia
Bala Varadarajan, Fujitsu Australia
Lin, Dell
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Conference Closing by Chairs |
7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Social Program/Conference Dinner