Quantum Computing: Principles and Paradigms

Publisher: Elsevier, USA


Edited by: Rajkumar Buyya and Sukhpal Singh Gill  


Book Website: clouds.cis.unimelb.edu.au/qcbook/ OR http://cloudbus.org/qcbook

Call for Book Chapters:

Quantum Computing is an emerging paradigm of research and development, with enormous potential to offer disruptive computational capabilities which can revolutionise many areas including data science, drug discovery, particle physics, materials design and optimisation tasks. This book aims to cover a broad range of topics, providing an up-to-date and comprehensive reference of the rapid progress in the field of quantum computing and related technologies from major international companies (such as IBM, Google, Intel, Rigetti, Q-Control) and academic researchers. The book will serve as a key source for a diverse range of audience including graduate students, industry developers and university academics.


Some of the key topics to be covered in this book are as follows:   

Topics: (Tentative and more to be added)

1) Quantum Hardware Development

- Spin qubits in silicon, Superconducting qubits, Trapped ions qubits, Photonic qubits

- Integrated Spin-photon systems

- Scalability and relevant issues

- Quantum Control


2) Quantum Error Correction

- Error Correction Codes

- Topological Codes (Surface Code, Colour Code, Heavy-hexagonal code)

- Variational Quantum Error Correction

- Quantum Noise Characterisation and Mitigation Strategies


3) Quantum Simulations, Algorithms and Quantum Supremacy
- Quantum-Classical Hybrid Machine Learning

- Quantum Variational Algorithms

- Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA)

- Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimisation (QUBO)

- Adiabatic Quantum Computing

- Quantum Supremacy

- IQP Problem

- Variational Eigensolver (VQE)


4) Quantum Software Development

  - Quantum OS (operating systems)
  - Quantum Runtime Systems
  - Quantum Application Programming Models
  - Quantum Resource Management Systems
  - Quantum Application Schedulers..
  - Quantum and Cloud Computing Integration Systems
  - Quantum Algorithms
  - Quantum Data Structures


4) Quantum Communications

- Post-quantum cryptography

- Quantum Key Distribution

- Quantum Internet

- Quantum Satellite Communications


5) Quantum Applications and Emerging Topics

- Quantum Chemistry Simulations

- Quantum Finance

- Quantum Traffic Routing

- Quantum Machine Learning

- Quantum Data Science

- Quantum Portfolio Optimisation

- Quantum Particle Physics

- Quantum Cloud Computing

- Quantum Compiler


Important Dates - Proposed

Chapter Proposal: You are invited to submit a 1-2 pages proposal to describing the topic of your chapter. The proposal should include the chapter organization, anticipated number of pages of the final manuscript and brief biography of authors.  We plan to follow the timeline given below:

·         Proposal deadline: November 1, 2023 (Early expression of interest is highly encouraged)

·         Notification of proposal acceptance: Feb 10, 2024

·         Full draft chapter submission: April 30, 2024

·         Chapter review report to authors: May 30, 2024

·         Final version submission: June. 30, 2024

Early submission is highly appreciated as the editors would like to have progressive dialogue and work with prospective authors to bring out a book of wide appeal. Please submit your proposal in PDF / Word format using submission link https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qcpp2023

If we receive more than one proposal for a chapter on the same topic, the editors may request authors to collaborate to develop an integrated chapter.

Manuscript Submission

Each accepted chapter should have about 20-35 A4 pages. We expect to deliver CRC of the book to the publisher. A MS Word template will be provided later.




Professor Rajkumar Buyya

Director, Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Lab
School of Computing and Information Systems
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Email: rbuyya@unimelb.edu.au

Dr Sukhpal Singh Gill
Lecturer of Cloud Computing
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Email: s.s.gill@qmul.ac.uk