5th IEEE/ACM International Workshop on Grid Computing (Grid 2004) November 8, 2004, Pittsburgh, USA (held inconjunction with SuperComputing 2004) http://www.gridbus.org/grid2004/ OR http://www.gridcomputing.org Sponsored by: ------------- * IEEE Computer Society (CS) * IEEE CS Task Force on Cluster Computing * Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) * Microsoft Corporation Call For Papers =============== General Information and Scope ----------------------------- In the last few years, the Grid community has been growing very rapidly and many new technologies and components have been proposed. This, along with the growing popularity Web-based technologies, and the availability of cheap commodity components is changing the way we do computing and business. There are now many ongoing grid projects with research and production-oriented goals. Grid 2004 is an international meeting that brings together a community of researchers, developers, practitioners, and users involved with the Grid. The objective of Grid 2004 is to serve as a forum to present current and emerging work as well as to exchange research ideas in this field. The previous events that are part of this series of events were Grid 2000, Bangalore, India; Grid 2001, Denver, CO; Grid 2002, Baltimore, MD; Grid 2003, Phoenix, USA. All of these events have been successful in attracting high quality papers and a wide international participation. Last year's event attracted over 400 registered participants. Since the first event we have published our own independent proceedings, either with Spinger-Verlag or more recently with the IEEE Computer Society Press. Grid 2004 partially follows the focus of last year's event, but extends it to also include service-oriented grid and utility computing technologies, with greater emphasis on e-Science and e-Business applications. Overall topics of interest include, but are not limited to: * Internet-based Computing Models * Innovative Strategies for Creation and Management of Virtual Enterprises and Organisations * Grid Architectures and Fabrics * Cluster and Grid Integration Issues * Grid Middleware and Toolkits * Grid Monitoring, Management and Organization Tools * Grid Information Services * Grid Security Issues * Programming Models, Tools, and Environments * Remote Data Access and Management * Grid Object Metadata and Schemas * Grid Applications * Virtual Instrumentation and eScience * Resource Management and Scheduling * Grid Economy * Autonomic and Utility Computing on Global Grids * Performance Evaluation and Modeling * Advance Resource Reservation and Scheduling * eScience and eBusiness Applications * Scientific, Industrial and Social Implications Paper Submission and Publication -------------------------------- Grid 2004 invites authors to submit original and unpublished work reporting solid and innvovative results in any aspect of grid computing and its applications. Papers should not exceed 8 single-spaced pages of text using 10 point size type on 8.5 x 11 inch paper (see IEEE author instructions , a LaTeX style sheet ). Authors should submit a PDF or PostScript (level 2) file that will print on a PostScript printer. Electronic submission through the workshop website is strongly encouraged. Hard copies will be accepted only if electronic submission is not possible. Submission implies the willingness of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper. Proceedings: All papers selected for this workshop are peer-reviewed and will be published as a separate proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society (CS) Press. After the event, the papers will also be published in the CS digital library. For author instructions see http://www.computer.org/cspress/instruct.htm Special Issue: The best 6 papers from the workshop will be selected for journal length extension and their publication in a special issue of the International Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems (FGCS). The special issue is expected to be published in early 2005. Important Dates --------------- 15 June 2004: Full Paper Submission Due 30 July 2004: Acceptance Notification 15 August 2004: Camera-Ready Copy due Conference Organization *********************** General Chair ------------- Mark Baker, University of Portsmouth, UK Program Committee Chair ----------------------- Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia Publicity Chair --------------- Radha Nandkumar, NCSA/University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA Steering Committee ------------------ Mark Baker, University of Portsmouth, UK Rajkumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia Craig Lee, Aerospace Corp., USA Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA Heinz Stockinger, CERN, Switzerland Program Committee ----------------- Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee, USA Geoffrey C Fox, Indiana University, USA Peter Kacsuk, SZTAKI Research Institute, Hangary Albert Zomaya, University of Sydney, Australia Bill Appelbe, Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing, Australia Henri Bal, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Brian Unger, University of Calgary, Canada Mark Baker, University of Portsmouth, UK Dietmar Muller, University of Sydney, Australia Andrew Wendelborn, University of Adelaide, Australia Paul Coddington, University of Adelaide, Australia Martin Sevior, University of Melbourne, Australia Andre Goscinski, Deakin University, Australia Salim Hariri, University of Arizona, USA Bernard Pailthorpe, University of Queensland, Australia David Barnes, University of Melbourne, Australia Jon Weissman, University of Minnesota, USA Viktor Prasanna, University of Sounthern California, USA Marty Humphrey, University of Virginia at Charlottesville, USA Paul Lu, University of Alberta, Canada Kai Hwang, University of Southern California, USA Putchong Uthayopas, Kasetsart University, Thailand Cho-Li Wang, University of Hong Kong, China Yoshio Tanaka, AIST, Japan Peter Sloot, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Frederica Darema, National Science Foundation, USA Fabrizio Gagliardi, CERN, Switzerland David W. Walker, University of Wales Cardiff, UK Alexander Reinefeld, Zuse Institute Berlin, Germany Thomas Hacker, University of Michigan, USA Gabriel Mateescu, National Research Council Canada, Canada Wolfgang Gentzsch, MCNC, North Carolina, USA Laurence Liew, Singapore Computer Systems, Singapore Susumu Date, Osaka University, Japan Lalit Patnaik, Indian Institute of Science, India R.K.Shyamasundar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), India Domenico Laforenza, CNR, Pisa, Italy Marian Bubak, Institute of Computer Science, Poland Madhusudhan Govindaraju, Binghamton University, USA Michal Vocu, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Czech Republic Wayne Kelly, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Rodrigo Real, Universidade Católica de Pelotas, Brazil Walfredo Cirne, Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Brazil Dawid Kurzyniec, Emory University, USA Laurent Lefevre, INRIA, France Aaron Harwood, University of Melbourne, Australia Amin Vahdat, University of California @ San Diego, USA Junseok Hwang, Syracuse University, USA Jarek Nabrzyski, Poznan Supercomputing & Networking Center, Poland Achim Streit, University Paderborn, Germany Gregor von Laszewski, Argonne National Laboratory, USA Craig Lee, Aerospace Corp., USA Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA Heinz Stockinger, CERN, Switzerland Jikku Venkat, United Devices, USA Giorgos Cheliotis, McKinsey & Company, Switzerland Nalini Venkatasubramanian, University of California at Irvine, USA David Abramson, Monash University, Australia Mary Thomas, University of Texas at Austin, USA Thierry Priol, IRISA, France Valerie Taylor, Texas A&M University, USA Jemal Abbawajy, Deakin University, Australia Liang-Jie Zhang, IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA. Amy Apon, University of Arkansas, USA. Kurt Stockinger, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------