
Mon 22
Tue 23
Wed 24
Plenary (Open)
Session 4
9.30 Invited Talk
Coffee Break
10.30 Coffee Break
10.30 Coffee Break
Session 1
11.00 Session 5
11.00 Session 8
Lunch Break
13.00 Lunch Break
13.00 Lunch Break
Session 2
14.30 Session 6
14.30 Session 9
Coffee Break
16.00 Coffee Break
16.00 Coffee Break
Session 3
16.30 Session 7
16.30 Session 10
Close Sessions
17.30 Close Sessions
17.15 Plenary (Close)

Social Event

Welcome Reception
Social Dinner

Invited Talks

Keynote Speaker

Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Ph.D.
Edith J. Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professor,
School of Computer Science
University of Oklahoma

Title of talk
Seamless Data Communications in Space Networks

Data download from spacecrafts, such as satellites, have traditionally been carried out through dedicated links. Shared links using Internet Protocol-based communication offers a number of advantages over dedicated links. The movement of spacecrafts however give rise to mobility management issues.
This talk will discuss various networks layer and transport layer solutions for mobility management in space networks, including host mobility and networks in motion which is applicable for satellites, planes, trains, automobile etc. In the case of network in motion, rather than handing off individual hosts, it is more efficient to handover the networks between access points. This results in the handoff being transparent to the hosts and less control traffic in the resource challenged wireless networks. The talk will provide an overview of the network layer based solution being developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force and compare with the end-to-end based solution (SINEMO) being developed at University of Oklahoma in conjunction with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for on networks in motion. The application of networks in motion will be illustrated for both terrestrial and space environment.

Mohammed Atiquzzaman (Senior Member, IEEE) obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Electronics from the University of Manchester (UK) in 1984 and 1987, respectively.  He currently holds the Edith J Kinney Gaylord Presidential professorship in the School of Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma.

Dr. Atiquzzaman is the Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Networks and Computer Applications, the founding Editor-in-Chief of Vehicular Communications, and serves/served on the editorial boards of many journals including IEEE Communications Magazine, Real Time Imaging Journal, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems and Journal of Sensor Networks and International Journal of Communication Systems. He co-chaired the IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing Symposium (2003, 2011), IEEE Globecom and ICC (2014, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006), IEEE VTC (2013)  and the SPIE Quality of Service over Next Generation Data Networks conferences (2001, 2002, 2003). He was the panels co-chair of INFOCOM’05, and is/has been in the program committee of many conferences such as INFOCOM, Globecom, ICCCN, ICCIT, Local Computer Networks, and serves on the review panels at the National Science Foundation. He is the current Vice Chair of IEEE Communication Society Technical Committee on Communications Switching and Routing.

Dr. Atiquzzaman received IEEE Communication Society's Fred W. Ellersick Prize, and NASA Group Achievement Award for "outstanding work to further NASA Glenn Research Center's effort in the area of Advanced Communications/Air Traffic Management's Fiber Optic Signal Distribution for Aeronautical Communications" project. He is the co-author of the book “Performance of TCP/IP over ATM networks” and has over 270 refereed publications, available at

Invited Talk
Giuseppe Di Fatta
Giuseppe Di Fatta, Ph.D.,
Associate Professor,
School of Systems Engineering,
University of Reading, UK

Title of talk
Epidemic Protocols for Extreme-scale Computing

Communication and computing in extreme-scale systems is hindered by the lack of scalable and fault tolerant global communication and synchronisation methods. Epidemic protocols adopt a bio-inspired communication strategy which is based on a similar mathematical model of the exponential and incontrollable spread of infectious diseases. Epidemic protocols are suitable for large and extreme-scale, distributed and dynamic systems. They can be adopted to disseminate information and for data aggregation in extreme-scale distributed environments using randomised communication. Their advantages over global communication schemes based on deterministic overlay networks are their inherent robustness, scalability and full decentralisation. Epidemic protocols can be adopted for fault-tolerant communication and computation in very large and extreme scale systems, such as Peer-to-Peer networks, the Internet of Things and exascale supercomputers. The talk provides an overview of Epidemic protocols, discusses their applications and presents recent advances.

Giuseppe Di Fatta is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at the University of Reading, Reading, UK, where he is the Director of the MSc in Advanced Computer Science. In 1999, he was a research fellow at the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI), Berkeley, CA, USA. From 2000 to 2004, he was with the High-Performance Computing and Networking Institute of the National Research Council, Palermo, Italy. From 2004 to 2006, he was with the University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany. His research interests include data mining, scalable algorithms, distributed and parallel computing, and multidisciplinary Big Data applications (e.g., the analysis of human brain MRI Data). He has published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed conferences and journals. He serves in the editorial board of the Elsevier Journal of Network and Computer Applications (JNCA). He has organised and chaired international workshops and conferences in data mining, distributed systems and computer networks, and is the co-founder of the IEEE ICDM Workshop on Data Mining in Networks (DaMNet).


Session 1
Chair: Marcin Paprzycki, IBS PAN and WSM, Poland

Parallel and Distributed Computing
Static Data Race Detection for Java Programs with Dynamic Class Loading
Noriaki Yoshiura and Wei Wei

Rule Based Classification on a Multi Node Scalable Hadoop Cluster
Shashank Gugnani, Devavrat Khanolkar, Tushar Bihany, and Nikhil Khadilkar

Consistent Management of Context Information in Ubiquitous Systems
Gabriel Guerrero-Contreras, Josč Luis Garrido, Sara Balderas-Dėaz, and Carlos Rodrėguez-Domėnguez

Dynamic Deployment of Software Components for Self-adaptive Distributed Systems
Jingtao Sun and Ichiro Satoh

Modelling and Analysis of Parallel/Distributed Time-dependent Systems: An Approach Based on JADE
Franco Cicirelli and Libero Nigro

Session 2

Chair: Alfredo Cuzzocrea, ICAR-CNR and University of Calabria, Italy

Cloud Computing

Semantic Representation of Cloud Services: A Case Study for Openstack
Beniamino Di Martino, Giuseppina Cretella, Antonio Esposito, and Graziella Carta

Efficient Resource Scheduling for Big Data Processing in Cloud Platform
Mohammad Mehedi Hassan, Biao Song, M. Shamim Hossain, and Atif Alamri

High Performance Cloud: A MapReduce and GPGPU Based Hybrid Approach
Beniamino Di Martino, Antonio Esposito, and Andrea Barbato

A Trust-Based, Multi-agent Architecture Supporting Inter-Cloud VM Migration in IaaS Federations
Fabrizio Messina, Giuseppe Pappalardo, Domenico Rosaci, and Giuseppe M.L. Sarné

Session 3
Chair: Maria Ganzha, University of Gdansk, Poland

Agent-Oriented Algorithms and Systems
Discovery of Hidden Correlations between Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Data Streams
Francesco Cauteruccio, Giancarlo Fortino, Antonio Guerrieri, and Giorgio Terracina

A Multi-agent Algorithm to Improve Content Management in CDN Networks
Agostino Forestiero and Carlo Mastroianni

An Actor Based Software Framework for Scalable Applications
Federico Bergenti, Agostino Poggi, and Michele Tomaiuolo

Session 4
Chair: Raffaele Gravina, University of Calabria, Italy

Sensor Networks
A Fatigue Detect System Based on Activity Recognition
Congcong Ma, Wenfeng Li, Jingjing Cao, Shuwu Wang, and Lei Wu

Modelling the Performance of a WSN with Regard to the Physical Features Exhibited by the Network
Declan T. Delaney and Gregory M.P. O’Hare

EMCR: Routing in WSN Using Multi Criteria Decision Analysis and Entropy Weights
Suman Sankar Bhunia, Bijoy Das, and Nandini Mukherjee

Towards a Model-Driven Approach for Sensor Management in Wireless Body Area Networks Angel Ruiz-Zafra, Manuel Noguera, and Kawtar Benghazi

Session 5
Chair: Antonio Guerrieri, University of Calabria, Italy

Sensor Networks
DISSN: A Dynamic Intrusion Detection System for Shared Sensor Networks
Claudio M. de Farias, Renato Pinheiro, Rafael O. Costa, and Igor Leao dos Santos

On the Analysis of Expected Distance between Sensor Nodes and the Base Station in Randomly Deployed WSNs
Cuneyt Sevgi and Syed Amjad Ali

Performability Modelling and Analysis of Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks with Limited Storage Capacities
Fredrick A. Omondi, Enver Ever, Purav Shah, Orhan Gemikonakli, and Leonardo Mostarda

Inserting “Brains” into Software Agents – Preliminary Considerations
Maria Ganzha, Mariusz Marek Mesjasz, Marcin Paprzycki, and Moussa Ouedraogo

A Learning-Based MAC for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks
Stefano Galzarano, Giancarlo Fortino, and Antonio Liotta

Session 6
Chair: Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria, Italy

Cyberphysical Systems and IoT
A Cyber-Physical System for Distributed Real-Time Control of Urban Drainage Networks in Smart Cities
Andrea Giordano, Giandomenico Spezzano, Andrea Vinci, Giuseppina Garofalo, and Patrizia Piro

Coordination in Situated Systems: Engineering MAS Environment in TuCSoN
Stefano Mariani and Andrea Omicini

Experimental Evaluation of the CoAP, HTTP and SPDY Transport Services for Internet of Things
Laila Daniel, Markku Kojo, and Mikael Latvala

An Effective and Efficient Middleware for Supporting Distributed Query Processing in Large-Scale Cyber-Physical Systems
Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Jose Cecilio, and Pedro Furtado

Session 7
Chair: Mukaddim Pathan, Telstra Corporation Limited, Australia

Cyberphysical Systems and IoT
A Framework of Adaptive Interaction Support in Cloud-Based Internet of Things (IoT) Environment
Noura Alhakbani, Mohammed Mehedi Hassan, M. Anwar Hossain, and Mohammed Alnuem

Equilibria in Concave Non-cooperative Games and Their Applications in Smart Energy Allocation
Maciej Drwal, Weronika Radziszewska, Maria Ganzha, and Marcin Paprzycki

A Carpooling Open Application with Social Oriented Reward Mechanism
Simone Bonarrigo, Vincenza Carchiolo, Alessandro Longheu, Mark Loria, Michele Malgeri, and Giuseppe Mangioni

Session 8
Chair: Pasquale Pace, University of Calabria, Italy

Advanced Networking
A Basic Study on High Bandwidth Streaming in Realtime over Multipath Using LDPC-IRA Codes
Masahiko Kitamura, Hiroyuki Kimiyama, Tsuyoshi Ogura, and Tatsuya Fujii

Resolving Fallback and Path MTU Problems Caused by Denying ICMP Packets in IPv6
Noriaki Yoshiura and Keita Omi

Using a History-Based Approach to Predict Topology Control Information in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Pere Millān, Carlos Molina, Roc Meseguer, Sergio F. Ochoa, and Rodrigo Santos

Testing AMQP Protocol on Unstable and Mobile Networks
Jorge E. Luzuriaga, Miguel Perez, Pablo Boronat, Juan Carlos Cano, Carlos Calafate, and Pietro Manzoni

Session 9
Chair: Giuseppe Di Fatta, University of Reading, UK

Smart Systems and Applications
Including Cyberphysical Smart Objects into Digital Libraries
Giancarlo Fortino, Anna Rovella, Wilma Russo, and Claudio Savaglio

A Distributed System for Smart Energy Negotiation
Alba Amato, Beniamino Di Martino, Marco Scialdone, Salvatore Venticinque, Svein Hallsteinsen, and Shanshan Jiang

Recommending Users in Social Networks by Integrating Local and Global Reputation
Pasquale De Meo, Fabrizio Messina, Domenico Rosaci, and Giuseppe M.L. Sarnč

Session 10
Chair: Giancarlo Fortino, University of Calabria, Italy

Security Methods and Systems
Modelling and Simulation of a Defense Strategy to Face Indirect DDoS Flooding Attacks
Angelo Furfaro, Pasquale Pace, Andrea Parise, and Lorena Molina Valdiviezo

Towards a Reference Architecture for Service-Oriented Cross Domain Security Infrastructures
Wen Zhu, Lowell Vizenor, and Avinash Srinivasan

Interoperability of Security-Aware Web Service Business Processes: Case Studies and Empirical Evaluation
Alfredo Cuzzocrea and Vincenzo Rodinō