Video-presentation and Submission Guidelines

To prepare for the online conference, authors need to submit a recorded video presentation for each accepted paper.  By submitting the video presentation, you agree to its publication in this form. Your videos will be later uploaded to YouTube and links to these will be given from our conference page as well.

The submission deadline for the video recording is May 1, 2021 (11:59pm Anywhere on Earth, AOE)

The process for creating and uploading your video presentation consists of four steps:

Please follow below instructions for recording, naming, and uploading your video file.

Video Recording

Naming Convention

Please make sure you have followed the following naming convention. Information about session number and details about accepted papers from both CCGrid 2020 and 2021 can be found at:

1) If your paper is accepted for the main CCGrid conference, please use the following format for naming your video file:

<Session><Session Number><First name><Last name>

The first name and last name are for the FIRST AUTHOR only.

Example: Session1FirstnameLastname.mp4

2) If your paper is accepted for workshops, please use the following format for naming your video file:

<Workshop><Workshop Number><First name><Last name>

The first name and last name are for the FIRST AUTHOR only.

Example: Workshop1FirstnameLastname.mp4

3) If your paper is accepted for the doctoral symposium, please use the following format for naming your video file:

<Symposium><Symposium Number><First name><Last name>

The first name and last name are for the FIRST AUTHOR only.

Example: Symposium1FirstnameLastname.mp4

Upload Instruction

All video presentations should be  uploaded to the Dropbox link by deadline. Click on the following  Dropbox links and select your file and upload for respective venues.  

CCGrid 2020:

CCGrid 2021:

Make sure you have selected the correct file as you will not be able to see it on the Dropbox System once you complete uploading. Duplicate upload is strictly prohibited.

For any questions please contact us at: